Every Scenario Needs To Be Considered, Nikki Haley Is Still Getting Votes
- We are at the point where every single scenario needs to be considered and is worth the conversation. We have discussed over and over Nikki Haley.
- What happens if the presidential election between Biden andTrump ends in a Tie? It happened 200 years ago.
- Nikki Haley racks up votes in Maryland and Nebraska. It started with South Carolina. She has gotten out of the race but she has not endorsed Donald Trump. Marty has yet to say that Trump has not earned her vote.
- Nikki has delegates so when the roll call in July she has delegates. They will either cast their votes for Trump or Nikki Haley. WE still have trials going on. June 27th? Why are they debating? On June 27th Biden and Trump are both presumptive nominees. It is May 20th by the time we get to the jury in the NY Hush money case with a verdict possibly before the debate. A possible verdict of conviction.
- Earliest debate in history. Before the convention. Why are they debating before the convention?
- There is a coalition of GOP delegates that are planning an anti-Trump coup in support of Nikki Haley at the Milwaukee RNC Convention.
- All polling says that if Trump is convicted that his polling numbers will go down and Biden will surge. And this could lose Trump the race. If Trump comes out on the first of June and is found guilty, he debates Biden before he is the nominee. This is just to hedge his bet to get the polling numbers back up. Its vacation time. People wont watch debates. You debate Joe to show who he is and to close off any negatives before the convention.