Home / Georgia / Every Scenario Needs To Be Considered, Nikki Haley Is Still Getting Votes

Every Scenario Needs To Be Considered, Nikki Haley Is Still Getting Votes

  • We are at the point where every sin­gle sce­nario needs to be con­sid­ered and is worth the con­ver­sa­tion. We have dis­cussed over and over Nik­ki Haley.
  • What hap­pens if the pres­i­den­tial elec­tion between Biden andTrump ends in a Tie? It hap­pened 200 years ago.
  • Nik­ki Haley racks up votes in Mary­land and Nebras­ka. It start­ed with South Car­oli­na. She has got­ten out of the race but she has not endorsed Don­ald Trump. Mar­ty has yet to say that Trump has not earned her vote.
  • Nik­ki has del­e­gates so when the roll call in July she has del­e­gates. They will either cast their votes for Trump or Nik­ki Haley. WE still have tri­als going on. June 27th? Why are they debat­ing? On June 27th Biden and Trump are both pre­sump­tive nom­i­nees. It is May 20th by the time we get to the jury in the NY Hush mon­ey case with a ver­dict pos­si­bly before the debate. A pos­si­ble ver­dict of con­vic­tion.
  • Ear­li­est debate in his­to­ry. Before the con­ven­tion. Why are they debat­ing before the con­ven­tion?
  • There is a coali­tion of GOP del­e­gates that are plan­ning an anti-Trump coup in sup­port of Nik­ki Haley at the Mil­wau­kee RNC Con­ven­tion.
  • All polling says that if Trump is con­vict­ed that his polling num­bers will go down and Biden will surge. And this could lose Trump the race. If Trump comes out on the first of June and is found guilty, he debates Biden before he is the nom­i­nee. This is just to hedge his bet to get the polling num­bers back up. Its vaca­tion time. Peo­ple wont watch debates. You debate Joe to show who he is and to close off any neg­a­tives before the con­ven­tion.

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