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MAGA, What Is Going To Happen in 2024? Stay Alert

  • We know about the heli­copter that went down.
  • We have Doug Bur­gum and a lot of good can­di­dates. Elise Ste­fanik is being high­light­ed. MTG is not in the court­room with Trump, MTG is high­light­ing her boyfriend that works at Right Side Broad­cast­ing. Ste­fanik is tak­ing trips to see if she can have sub­stance. A sec­ond VP audi­tion from Elise this week­end.
  • MAGA what is going to hap­pen in 2024. They are con­tin­u­ing to see claims from the 2020 and 2022 elec­tion with­out cred­i­ble evi­dence. With one day vot­ing we would not be able to catch things. With the 30 day and 2 months in come cas­es and it allows the democ­rats to catch things before the elec­tion clos­es.
  • They want to send train­ers inside Ukraine. And they know that if there is a Russ­ian attack on NATO train­ers there will be a green light for war.
  • The Iran­ian pres­i­dent is now dead in the heli­copter crash. He gave the green light for the attack on Israel. Where was the CIA? Fmr CIA agent say­ing that it is bet­ter to do things and not tell any­one. Schumer say­ing that the weath­er was fog­gy and intel say­ing it looks like an acci­dent.

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