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You Have To Fight The Powers

  • It took 59 years to be kicked out of the par­ty. ONce they tossed BKP out of the par­ty, they said he would be able to say what he want­ed.
  • The PARTY, if you are a life­long repub­li­can dont con­fuse your­self with the PARTY. The del­e­ga­tion are get­ting ready to pounce, they are pounc­ers. 55% prob­a­bly vot­ed for Nik­ki Haley, it may be high­er, and they are going to the con­ven­tion in July. We have talked about the del­e­gate list and who is going to the RNC con­ven­tion. The GA GOP state com­mit­tee has KEMP stick­ers on their cars which could be a prob­lem for BKP. Secu­ri­ty was hired by the GA GOP Inc to remove BKP from the premis­es. They had a par­ty after­wards.
  • Travis Bow­den was so hap­py to remove BKP. he had six votes hang­ing around his neck. Carl Black­burn, the 9th Dis­trict Chair, did not vote to keep BKP. If you are grass­roots out there, Josh McK­oon has to go. Every state has 3 votes at the RNC and these are the three votes. Josh McK­oon, Gin­ger Howard and Jason Thomp­son. You will hear the MAGA and all their endorse­ments. It is real­ly sim­ple if you served with Ron­na McDaniel you have to go.
  • The GA GOP Inc has to expand their base but they kicked out a grand­moth­er of 9, they kicked out a gay guy, and they kicked out BKP. When they talked about inclu­sion for all repub­li­cans, unless they say for the good of the par­ty and vot­er integri­ty. Dont for­get Gabriel Ster­ling is in the par­ty who con­tin­u­al­ly says that the 2020 elec­tion was not stolen. Humans are flawed, its going to hap­pen, that explains Ful­ton Coun­ty. Who is to ques­tion the 1000s of bal­lots that are miss­ing.
  • The GA GOP Inc cant raise mon­ey. All repub­li­cans expand the base, if they see val­ue to them, not val­ue to the com­mu­ni­ty, that is when the GA GOP Inc is inclu­sive. If you bring val­ue to them you get into the out­reach pic­ture and being inclu­sive. If the GA GOP Inc has to bring the val­ue to your com­mu­ni­ty, they dont have the time.

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