bkp week­ly wrap up

  • The state board of elec­tions is going to send the ful­ton coun­ty board of elec­tions a rep­ri­mand with 147K vio­la­tions and thou­sands of dou­ble scanned bal­lots.
  • Today at noon there is an attempt to remove bkp from the par­ty.
  • What is going on in DC? Masse of Ken­tucky he vot­ed to increase the debt ceil­ing. He vot­ed to cer­ti­fy the elec­tion.
  • Mccarthy is angry. Why is McCarthy so angry? There were only 11 repub­li­cans that vot­ed with MTG to oust mike john­son. MTG sup­ports Trump. Trump has said dont remove John­son right now. MTG why is she teamed up with Thomas Masse so close. Same thing with Chip Roy from Texas. Even though Matt Gaetz said that MTG is strong and made a motion to vacate you dont see Matt Gaetz and Andrew Clyde on here. Are the democ­rats mea­sur­ing the drapes if they take the house.



  • Appeals court is going to pick up the GA case. 3 judges will be picked ran­dom­ly. It will be whether or not Fani Willis will be able to pros­e­cute the case. The case is falling apart.
  • The Jack Smith case in FL has fall­en apart.
  • The J6 case, we are still wait­ing to hear if Trump has immu­ni­ty.
  • The peo­ple have lost inter­est with Stormy Daniels. This is the case that they are try­ing to have a leap of faith on the fed­er­al cam­paign finance in a state court. Every wit­ness that the pros­e­cu­tion has put up has been total­ly dis­cred­it­ed.
  • All the cas­es that are being adju­di­cat­ed prop­er­ty is the FL case with Judge Can­non. She has real­ized that it is law­fare. She saw that when they came into Mar-a-Lago, they were manip­u­lat­ed. The stag­ing was that the Top Secret doc­u­ments were just lay­ing around. But they will not let you know that it was behind locked doors and the TOP SECRET cov­ers were not on the doc­u­ments lay­ing on the floor. This law­fare start­ed with the Oba­ma Admin­is­tra­tion. It is the Deep State DOJ that is going against the ones that are going against the grain. They use the legal sys­tem to dis­cred­it the peo­ple.
  • The Supreme Court will rule for immu­ni­ty in lim­it­ed cas­es but it should stop the case. This case will prob­a­bly be pushed back to the low­er case, which will slow track the case.
  • The Stormy Daniels case that they call Hush Mon­ey should be called the alleged Cam­paign Finance case.
  • Are they going to throw Don­ald Trump in jail? Will they throw him in Rick­ers. Trump is want­i­ng the judge to throw him in jail. If Trump says blood­bath they do a week of Trump ask­ing for polit­i­cal vio­lence and it is con­cern­ing. The net­works are blow­ing the dog whis­tle to say what if Trump dies. They are try­ing to stir some­thing up.
  • If all these cas­es go away, is that what they have left? All the net­works are say­ing that Trump will not accept the results, even Biden.
  • They are chas­ing BKP across the state line. And Ful­ton Coun­ty is get­ting a rep­ri­mand with 147K vio­la­tions. Thank you to all the patri­ots that spoke up at the SEB this week. There was a motion to send it to the AG office by Jan John­ston and it was crick­ets for a sec­ond. 2024 there is a lot in play. There was a lady that got fired in WI that print­ed the bal­lots and had peo­ple fill them out in the back room.
  • Biden with­hold­ing weapons to Israel. He is walk­ing a fine line to not alien­ate a group of vot­ers. As far as sup­port­ing Israel this is the last elec­tion cycle that democ­rats will sup­port them. Chuck Schumer is the last one on that side that is pulling the demo­c­rat cau­cus toward Israel. They are pre­tend­ing to know. The far left does not sup­port Israel. There are old­er democ­rats in DC that are won­der­ing how far left they can go behind closed doors. Do you think the squad has become so pow­er­ful that they have intim­i­dat­ed the mass­es.
  • DC has become a the­ater.
  • Democ­rats are try­ing to save the young vote. There are teams that are work­ing to secure Chica­go for the con­ven­tion on how to keep it off the cam­eras. Chica­go will be the turn­ing point on Joe Biden. They are so out of touch with the econ­o­my.
  • The chair­man of the GA GOP Inc, Josh McK­oon, is mak­ing a move to remove BKP from the repub­li­can par­ty. They will not remove Brad Raf­fensperg­er and they will not remove Geoff Dun­can for endors­ing Joe Biden. They are try­ing to get a quo­rum with a small num­ber. There are 170 total mem­bers of the GA State Com­mit­tee. They have inten­tion­al­ly sent out a notice that the meet­ing today will be in the exec­u­tive ses­sion that can­not be talked about, there is a gag order. No mat­ter what they do today, there are 100s across this state that have mes­sages. They are who we thought they were.

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