Home / National / Biden is in France for D‑Day Ceremonies

Biden is in France for D‑Day Ceremonies

  • This is an unnamed source, they are get­ting you off the trail. Trump nar­rows the list to 7 can­di­dates. There are sev­er­al miss­ing off the list.
  • North Korea sends poop bal­loons to South Korea.
  • Bob­ble Head Biden is in France today. 8:09
  • They are upset about the news that is com­ing out that he is freez­ing up. They showed Biden going down the big steps today off the plane. He held onto the rail and Jill was on the oth­er side. Biden is dis­con­nect­ed. All the world lead­ers know Biden is dis­con­nect­ed. He has a cheat sheet. The world lead­ers are won­der­ing who they real­ly need to talk to. 8:14 (we have a lot in com­mon)
  • You know what was cre­at­ed after WWII D‑day: NATO and UN 8:16 this is the last time in his­to­ry we fought as the Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca. They will call it Allied forces and we inde­pen­dent­ly fought a war. After this we have always fought with allied forces.
  • Eisen­how­er is respon­si­ble for the great­est eco­nom­ic boom. He cre­at­ed the inter­state high­way sys­tem. When he came home from the war, he real­ized they may attack us and need­ed to respond all across the coun­try there­fore cre­at­ed the inter­state high­way sys­tem. He need­ed mil­i­tary trans­port across the coun­try. When it was cre­at­ed, every 10 miles 1 mile had to be a straight­way incase we had to land air­craft. Eisen­how­er is the com­man­der of WWII, wit­ness­ing war up close and per­son­al with what will hap­pen when a Hilter wants to rule the world. His farewell address was to warn us of the mil­i­tary indus­tri­al com­plex.
  • Trump did­nt climb the polit­i­cal lad­der of cor­rup­tion. He went from busi­ness­man to pres­i­dent.
  • Kan­diss Tay­lor post is both­er­some. 8:28 Where is that real amer­i­ca? The board of edu­ca­tion meet­ings are over­flow­ing. She is appling coun­ty admin­is­tra­tor and she is also the chair of the 1st dis­trict. She has post­ed a cou­ple of racist tweets that she has erased

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