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Trump Cannot Have Deep State In The Office With Him

  • Some­thing stinks in Ful­ton! L Todd Wood reports on the Ful­ton Coun­ty GOP oper­at­ing com­mit­tee.
  • The US will defend Tai­wan, Biden says. Why would biden make anoth­er state­ment
  • On the polit­i­cal lad­der of cor­rup­tion we dont trust them.
  • Trump has said he will release who the VP will be in WI. He has said it will not be a cer­tain per­son. There are some deep state kinds of stuff that are con­cern­ing. If Trump can win with a can­di­date do you think he should take the win opposed to pick­ing some­one him­self caus­ing him to lose. The same hap­pened with Ronald Rea­gan. who­ev­er is there if it is Trump and Biden they are four years. They may make that an issue that res­onates. 8:49 Are we ok with the next per­son being deep state. DJT can not go back into office with anoth­er Pence, etc. every office has to be loy­al to him. He can­not have a deep state in his office. We have Elise Ste­fanik, Nan­cy Mace is not on the list but don’t for­get her.
  • Mar­co is a no. Tim Scott is a no, nice guy has the lik­a­bil­i­ty of peo­ple. JD Vance has said some neg­a­tive things about Trump but it seems there has been some sin­cere trans­for­ma­tion in his sup­port. Byron Don­alds he is great but it is not the right time. Doug Bur­gum is a good can­di­date for VP, he was the win­ner of the WI debate. MSNBC is call­ing Bur­gum, Mar­co, Scott and Vance as the final­ists. If the deep state has come to resolve that Trump is the nom­i­nee.

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