Home / Georgia / What Is Nikki Haley and The Deep State Doing?

What Is Nikki Haley and The Deep State Doing?

  • The Ful­ton coun­ty case has been delayed. The appeals court put a stay on the case. The appeals court will decide if Fani will be removed from the case. This is not NY and Judge Mer­chan. You have to remem­ber that Bri­an Kemp, Chris cArr and Brad Raf­fensperg­er are sup­posed to be repub­li­cans and they should have already tak­en care of remov­ing Fani. Don’t trust that she will be removed in Octo­ber. BKP does­n’t think she will be removed in Octo­ber. She has a repub­li­can oppo­nent that is pret­ty well known around the state attor­ney Court­ney Cramer.
  • The deep state is con­cern­ing. We don’t trust the gov­er­nors of GA.
  • The rumored vp list, the smoke is com­ing out for a rea­son.
  • The bill­boards are pop­ping up every­where “I won’t vote for a con­vict­ed felon” there are vot­ers get­ting weak in the knees. 9:14
  • When 12 Man­hat­tan jurors returned after a day and half of delib­er­a­tions and con­vict­ed DJT of 34 counts they added to an aston­ish­ing los­ing streak for the for­mer pres­i­dent. Remem­ber Nik­ki came out before the ver­dict that she would vote for trump. Remem­ber there is a video that Nik­ki said the Amer­i­can peo­ple won’t vote for a felon. What was Nik­ki doing on May 30 when they were delib­er­at­ing. pay atten­tion there is some­thing up.
  • Remem­ber this is Nikki’s twit­ter feed, pinned at the top is her speech of her step­ping down.
  • Yes­ter­day she post­ed pic­tures in Israel, the tours of the tun­nels Hamas uses. Is she look­ing like she is in an admin­is­tra­tion? She is doing press con­fer­ences. She is meet­ing with peo­ple. The jury is in delib­er­a­tion and we have a 2 tiered cor­rup­tion jus­tice sys­tem. She is meet­ing with peo­ple. She met with the pres­i­dent of Israel, Min­is­ter of defense of the state of Israel, Israel min­is­ter of for­eign affairs (sec­re­tary of state), look­ing very pres­i­den­tial. This is deep state shit. some­thing is here, she is not on vaca­tion. She has a staff meet­ing with Israel heads of state. Is she the next head of the CIA? Who is she? You do know our state depart­ment, you can’t just hope on a plane and just meet peo­ple. Our state depart­ment and white house knows about this. Every con­gres­sion­al trip is logged and notes from the meet­ing are filed. She met with the Prime Min­is­ter.
  • You will not find any com­ment on the Trump tri­al on Nikki’s twit­ter feed. 9:27
  • She is meet­ing with hostage fam­i­lies.
  • At the same time Nik­ki is in Israel, the CIA direc­tor burns in the mid­dle east to push for a hostage cease­fire.
  • Kemp will attend the GOP con­ven­tion as he builds up polit­i­cal oper­a­tions. What is hap­pen­ing in WI, why the smoke? The oth­er gov­er­nor tells the reporter that Trump has not earned her vote. This com­ment was made after the pri­ma­ry was over.
  • A few law­suits dis­ap­peared right before Kemp became gov­er­nor. The polit­i­cal lad­der of cor­rup­tion. Kemp has friends on the oth­er side. Nik­ki will be there and oth­ers will be there. will don­ald trump pick his own vp. will there be a smoke filled room and the deep state go into the west wing with don­ald Trump. 9:36
  • Where is this all going? Find the war against Nik­ki Haley on social media posts. crick­ets.

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