Home / National / DC Doesnt Defend Freedom, Democracy or People, It Protects Money, Minerals and Resources

DC Doesnt Defend Freedom, Democracy or People, It Protects Money, Minerals and Resources

  • Nik­ki may not go to WI. she is in high lev­el meet­ings not on vaca­tion. and you can’t have meet­ings with­out clear­ance from the state depart­ment. She had a staff. Maybe she is over rep­re­sent­ing the mil­i­tary com­plex donors. Some­thing is hap­pen­ing and our state depart­ment knows it.
  • Today is d‑day, it’s been 80 years. This coun­try does not defend free­dom, defends democ­ra­cy, the only thing we do is pro­tect mon­ey, min­er­als, and valu­able resources through­out the world. not peo­ple, killing peo­ple that is noth­ing.
  • You real­ly think Nvidia and AI with their chip tech­nol­o­gy that has sur­passed Apple that Chi­na will let that go. Nvidia to build sec­ond super­com­put­er cen­ter in Tai­wan. 9:51 US will defend Tai­wan, Biden says. Your not pro­tect­ing Tai­wan, your pro­tect­ing some cor­po­ra­tion. the sec­ond largest val­ued tech stock in the world.
  • Rock­et­man has been to Chi­na and rus­sia. he is devel­op­ing spy tech­nol­o­gy. We have talked about the Kore­an penin­su­la as Eisen­how­er was storm­ing the beach­es and was tak­en over by japan. North Kore­ans hate the japan­ese. every­day they feel they have to defend them­selves. There have always been talks of uni­fi­ca­tion in korea. South Korea is send­ing bal­loons over North Korea with pam­phlets talk­ing about democ­ra­cy, free­dom. Now North Korea uses bal­loons to drop poop. South Korea has can­celed the inter kore­an mil­i­tary agree­ment. South Korea seeks to extract 14B bar­rels of oil gas poten­tial­ly under the East Sea. Chi­na is not going to sit there and allow this. Uni­fi­ca­tion min­is­ter crit­i­cizes the poop bal­loons. PPP vows the most lethal mea­sures against North Korea. NK is clear­ing a 2 mile area. North and South Korea do not have a peace treaty.
  • Putin is call­ing BS and it is not on the bal­loons. Putin
  • 12 EU states push for progress on Ukraine . They are push­ing for NATO accep­tance of Ukraine. Rus­sia is just walk­ing through Ukraine. There are a lot of things going on. 10:09
  • Zelen­sky deci­sion not to run elec­tions in Ukraine, Putin ques­tions.
  • Trump seek­ing revenge. lib­er­a­tion day Nov 5th.
  • Hunter Biden’s lap­top it’s real. remem­ber the 51 spies that lied. remem­ber Tony Bob­u­len­s­ki. Hunter Biden’s ex tes­ti­fies, this is all smoke. 10:24

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