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Trump Says Keep The Change

  • Is it too good to be true that Don­ald Trump will run away with the elec­tion? In Forsyth coun­ty GA there are more reg­is­tered vot­ers than eli­gi­ble vot­ers. Forsyth Coun­ty is the fastest grow­ing coun­ty in the Unit­ed States.
  • In North Hamp­ton Coun­ty, the pres­i­dent that won the coun­ty, they won the state. Right now the coun­ty is fight­ing amongst each oth­er when they should be door knock­ing and get­ting the vote out for Don­ald Trump.
  • Even James Carville is say­ing Biden should have nev­er attempt­ed to run against Trump.
  • Right now as it stands Trump wins in a land­slide. What will they do to stop him? They cant let him win. He is a world­wide prob­lem. They want war, Trump does­nt want war. The peo­ple in Europe don’t want war. But the lead­ers want war.
  • Biden is head­ing to G7 this week.
  • All they could talk about in the media is the hostages in Gaza.
  • Sil­i­con Val­ley aban­dons Biden. Pan­ic sta­tions for democ­rats as tech titans raise mil­lions for Trump. Trump raised $12M in San Fran­cis­co.
  • Trump hit on some­thing that they dont know how to han­dle. Trump talks about remov­ing tax­es for tipped work­ers. There is no way that Biden can keep up with it.
  • The con­vic­tion did­nt change the poll num­bers like they thought it would. They are work­ing the angle that you cant believe a word that the con­vict­ed felon says. Trump is say­ing keep the change 8:22
  • On the world stage elec­tions have gone to the far right. Maybe they have to blame that on Don­ald Trump.
  • The war­mon­ger was out this week­end, Lind­sey Gra­ham. Ukraine is a gold mine.
  • Trump does not have a pro­ba­tion offi­cer. Trump will have a pre-sen­tenc­ing inter­view. The media is say­ing that Trump will meet with a pro­ba­tion offi­cer today. He is not on pro­ba­tion. This is a stan­dard inter­view. They will make sure they treat Trump just like any­one else. It is a pro­ba­tion offi­cer that will do the inter­view and will report to the judge. He will not have a pro­ba­tion offi­cer until July 11th when the sen­tenc­ing takes place. Will Trump hold events at MAL? Will he vio­late rules of pro­ba­tion? The sen­tenc­ing will lim­it Trump. The only thing that restrains Trump is the court.
  • The net­works have not men­tioned Trumps tax relief on tipped work­ers. They are try­ing to sup­press the news.

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