Home / Georgia / Brian P Kemp Is Determined To Not Allow Trump To Win GA

Brian P Kemp Is Determined To Not Allow Trump To Win GA

  • Did­nt BKP tell you months ago that he did not vote for Trump in the pri­ma­ry. Bri­an P Kemp is deter­mined to not allow Trump to win GA.
  • These are evil peo­ple. There is some­thing wrong in Ga.
  • GA GOP Gov Bri­an Kemp reveals he did­nt vote for Trump in the GOP pri­ma­ry. The night before the elec­tion why would he sit down with Kait­lyn on CNN. and the night before the debate why would he tell you this.
  • Yes­ter­day we opened the door on 9/11. What was the motive? What did it fur­ther and what was the point of it?
  • How long has the media spun and whooped up in a fren­zy where the Nik­ki Haley vot­ers go. Then in the GA pri­ma­ry the Kemps did­nt vote for Don­ald Trump. On one hand you have all these peo­ple out there encour­ag­ing peo­ple to vote while Kemp is sup­press­ing the vote.
  • FL appar­ent­ly democ­rats have pulled out the mon­ey in FL. They are not buy­ing bill­boards or open­ing cam­paign offices in FL. What we are hear­ing is FL is no longer in play. What we are hear­ing is that Ron DeSan­tis is so pop­u­lar in FL and has turned FL red and Trump lives there.
  • Now lets move up to GA, there is some­thing bad wrong in GA. There has nev­er been a day that Kemp is for Don­ald Trump. BKP could not be the first vice chair of the GOP today. BKP stayed in trou­ble because of the truth, ask­ing for Brad Raf­fensperg­er to be removed from the repub­li­can par­ty.
  • When they get done tomor­row, GA will be in play because of the fact they con­trol the elec­tion. These are not democ­rats that we are fight­ing in GA. we are being attacked by our very own. They con­trol the elec­tions, they con­trol the machines, we have begged to get rid of them but they do not lis­ten to their own peo­ple. This is not about 2024 it is about 2026 in GA.
  • Repub­li­cans hold all the con­sti­tu­tion­al offices in GA, the major­i­ty in the House and Sen­ate GA GOP Inc is sup­posed to be MAGA. In GA Trump is lead­ing by dou­ble dig­its. They want you to believe that Kemp has an approval rat­ing of over 60%. Appar­ent­ly the high­est regard­ed approval rat­ing in the coun­try. If we applied the same rules in FL to GA, why is GA in play? The democ­rats are spend­ing mil­lions of dol­lars in GA. There will be 5 bill­boards wel­com­ing Trump to GA paid for by the democ­rats. GA is a dou­ble dig­it Trump state, why do democ­rats feel that GA is in play? Maybe it is the machines, maybe it is Ful­ton Coun­ty, maybe because of Kemp, Raf­fensperg­er, Carr and McK­oon. The democ­rats are play­ing in our sand­box, they are not afraid of GA.
  • Ful­ton Coun­ty moves to destroy the 2020 bal­lots.
  • The Cobb Coun­ty Board of Elec­tions is con­sid­er­ing pass­ing along the costs of noti­fy­ing vot­ers whole eli­gi­bil­i­ty is being chal­lenged to the indi­vid­u­als mak­ing the chal­lenges.
  • Dont wor­ry about GA because Kel­ly is watch­ing, just like she watched on J6 when she stabbed Geor­gians in the back. Bri­an Kemp is erod­ing vot­er con­fi­dence.
  • Kel­ly tweet­ing: it isnt elec­tion deniers who erode vot­er con­fi­dence. It’s elec­tion offi­cials who pull stunts like this. We are watch­ing in response to the Ful­ton Coun­ty move to destroy 2020 bal­lots before they can be unsealed.
  • Did Kemp just tell you to stay home?
  • Bri­an Kemp tells Kait­lan Collins on CNN that he did not vote for Don­ald Trump in the GA GOP pri­ma­ry in fact I did­nt vote for any­body. Trump was already the pre­sump­tive nom­i­nee so Kemp said his vote would not have made a dif­fer­ence.
  • These peo­ple dont want to save Amer­i­ca. Kemp should be at the air­port to shake hands and wel­come Don­ald Trump to GA.
  • Remem­ber Mar­ty say­ing that Trump has­nt earned her vote yet.
  • Bri­an Mar­ty and the girls did not vote for Trump, the first fam­i­ly of GA and from the man that sells us out to South Korea or any­one that has a dol­lar to spare. What he does tells you that he did­nt vote.
  • Kemp has an influ­ence on a vot­ing block. He has a block that we need in GA to win, did he just tell his vot­ing block it is ok to stay home.
  • We have a prob­lem in GA. We have a chair­man that puts a domin­ion lob­by­ist as a del­e­gate to the RNC and we have a com­mit­tee­man that has a fam­i­ly employed by the Sec­re­tary of State’s office. And BKP is the prob­lem?

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