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Why Is Kemp Trying To Put Georgia In Play For The Democrats?

  • They have parad­ed McK­oon all over the coun­try and propped him up on what he is doing in GA but his boss today is Bri­an Kemp. His state salary has gone up since becom­ing chair­man $50K.
  • Kemp said that he was fine not vot­ing when the pri­ma­ry was already over. This guy has had closed door meet­ings with Ron DeSan­tis, he has had Chris Christie and is close friends with Nik­ki Haley. What mes­sage is Kemp send­ing that he went and vot­ed but skipped the pres­i­den­tial pri­ma­ry.
  • Kemp will buy all his friends to sup­port his wife for gov­er­nor in 2026. He is buy­ing his friends and fam­i­ly plans for his sup­port­ers and not spend­ing a dime on Trump. And what will hap­pen is that he is explain­ing why the down bal­lot races will have high­er turnout than the pres­i­den­tial tick­et. He has nev­er said that he will vote for Don­ald Trump. He has said that he will sup­port the tick­et. The peo­ple that are telling you that they are sup­port­ing the tick­et they are in on the coup to change the tick­et at the RNC con­ven­tion. 848
  • Both of our gov­er­nors did­nt vote for Trump.
  • They want you to believe they are sup­port­ing the tick­et. They keep open­ing the Trump Force 47 offices and the choir shows up. Guess who is not there, Kemp and the core major­i­ty of the State Sen­a­tors or State reps, Where is Kel­ly Loef­fler and Bri­an Kemp. If you want to save this coun­try, where are you? You get out and sup­port your can­di­date and help get him elect­ed.
  • What about the kids? The democ­rats Biden admin wants to chop up your kids start­ing at age 9 851
  • Where is the sup­port for Trump in this state?
  • Why is Kemp try­ing to put GA in play? Is this the pre­cur­sor for the steal. 856 democ­rats are very pleased. Don’t you think it is a sit­ting gov­er­nor who went to the polls and did­nt vote. Kemp was loud, proud and clear, its ok if you dont feel like you can pull the lever for Don­ald Trump.
  • The debate mat­ters but what we need to focus on is the cor­rup­tion in GA.

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