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Dems screaming Don’t Go

    • You have to get the W for Trump in your coun­ty. You have to get your team on the field. You can cheer lead all day long, but you have to play the game to get the W 807
    • The democ­rats are falling apart. The deep state is con­sol­ing their base. They are not try­ing to move the nee­dle. They are beg­ging their base not to leave.
    • Democ­rats know they are in deep trou­ble.
    • They dont know what to do, the vot­ers. The deep state uni­par­ty has a plan. The DNC and RNC have bal­lot access. Vot­ers know that Joe Biden is a prob­lem. They are so des­per­ate the democ­rats want you to believe that Trump does not care about the peo­ple.
    • Trump is talk­ing to Amer­i­cans that are going to work and rais­ing their fam­i­ly.
    • Rus­sia is send­ing a nuclear sun to Cuba as we speak. Not that Hunter was con­vict­ed.
    • Biden is going to pro­vide wom­ens repro­duc­tive health­care and take away your guns. This is to the base. It is not mov­ing the nee­dle.
    • Polling
    • The econ­o­my issues are polling over 50%.
    • Democ­rats want to main­tain the sen­ate and flip the house. McConnell will attend a meet­ing with Trump. Democ­rats are in the back room talk­ing about this now. Right now every­thing is in place for Trump to win in Novem­ber and we could get a clean sweep on his coat­tails. They are going to meet so they can get on the same page.
    • Democ­rats are going to dis­tance them­selves from Biden all across the coun­ty 8:32 pay atten­tion to the sen­ate and house races. This is key. They have a prob­lem. You are sup­posed to ride the wave with an incum­bent. Pay atten­tion to how far democ­rats get away from Biden. Will it be too late to replace Biden?

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