Home / Georgia / Georgia Is The Laboratory For Securing Elections County By County

Georgia Is The Laboratory For Securing Elections County By County

  • Peter Navar­ro should be out of jail. Steve Ban­non should­n’t be going into the jail. and Nan­cy should be going to jail after the admis­sion.
  • Trump reups endorse­ment of SC rep Nan­cy Mace.
  • It is not nec­es­sary for Kevin McCarthy to go on a revenge tour.
  • don’t get over your skis here. This is for every­one in Amer­i­ca that has poured out your time and mon­ey for elec­tion integri­ty in the past years.
  • Inside Trump plans to rig 2024. Geor­gia is our lab­o­ra­to­ry. This has been done with­out GA GOP Inc, with­out Bri­an Kemp, With­out Brad Raf­fensperg­er, and chris carr.
  • The GA GOP state com­mit­tee at the con­ven­tion wants to send a let­ter con­demn­ing the actions of some of the state board of elec­tions.
  • Patri­ots have ener­gized this to hap­pen but you can’t quite now. 9:24
  • Amer­i­ca First Pol­i­cy Insti­tute cen­ter for elec­tion integri­ty. vot­er eli­gi­bil­i­ty, ques­tion­ing vot­er rolls. Many peo­ple on the vot­er rolls may not be eli­gi­ble to vote in GA.
  • Trump allies sue to allow elec­tion offi­cials to refuse to cer­ti­fy results. She wants the dis­cre­tion to refuse to cer­ti­fy elec­tions. repub­li­can who refused to cer­ti­fy GA pri­ma­ry a mem­ber of elec­tion denal­ist group, ful­ton coun­ty elec­tion board. The Trump team push­es a ter­ri­fy­ing legal ploy to sab­o­tage the next elec­tion. If you dig deep into this you are not allowed to see the bal­lot images as a mem­ber of the elec­tion board. you have to blind­ly cer­ti­fy the elec­tion. You can­not see the bal­lots in GA. 9:30 Keep in mind to steal is to seal. Seal them so you can’t see them. Allies of Don­ald Trump have filed a law­suit to cer­ti­fy the next elec­tion.
  • Will Kemp and Raf­fensperg­er get in the way? don’t for­get they stood up against Trump. Kemp and Raf­fensperg­er cre­at­ed the basis.
  • You are mak­ing a dif­fer­ence. we are on the path to the W don’t get com­fort­able. 9:38
  • The state elec­tion board has the author­i­ty to inves­ti­gate the SOS in GA. The State Sen­ate major­i­ty leader has said they do have the author­i­ty and con­gress has reaf­firmed that they do have the right. Maga diehards have tak­en step by step to reform elec­tions in GA.
  • It is work­ing. We the peo­ple have the right. they can’t stand we the peo­ple.
  • you are show­ing up and push­ing back. We have to put hon­est peo­ple in our coun­ty in place to pro­vide an hon­est fair elec­tion for the peo­ple no mat­ter who they vote for.
  • This is a nation­al sto­ry. They are pulling the fire alarm. Why do you think they are indict­ing peo­ple across this coun­try?
  • patri­ots across the coun­try are going to elec­tion board meet­ings and speak­ing out. peo­ple are not giv­ing up. They are fight­ing the good fight.
  • We have 159 coun­ties in GA. That is 159 sep­a­rate elec­tions in the state. tell your chair­man in our coun­ty you are incharge of elec­tions, not Raf­fensperg­er.
  • Rea­son­able inquiry to inves­ti­gate the results as they see fit, like look­ing at the bal­lots.
  • The peo­ple who showed up used their voic­es to make the changes, not Trump.
  • We plan to chal­lenge every coun­ty that we want to see the tal­ly and want to see the bal­lots.
  • We need poll watch­ers. we can­not have a precinct in the entire state with­out poll watch­ers. We have lanes all around the state that are fight­ing to clean vot­er rolls. it has to be too big to rig. They are ner­vous because you want to get involved and see your elec­tions.
  • We will not allow it to hap­pen again. 10:02 We are wound­ed but we are strong and we will stand strong.
  • You have access to mon­i­tor and review.
  • Janelle King is now in place on the state elec­tion board. Jon Burns appoint­ed her and Kemp gave the green light.
  • Rudy is in court every day. Giu­liani has like 20 indict­ments. If Rudy can come out with anoth­er mugshot being bold and strong, so can you. 10:07

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