Home / National / Eyes are wide open in this country. Nothing is working for Democrats

Eyes are wide open in this country. Nothing is working for Democrats

  • It is sum­mer time. Peo­ple are on vaca­tion and arent pay­ing atten­tion. Noth­ing is work­ing for the democ­rats. The world is prepar­ing for Trump, our allies are prepar­ing. In the US noth­ing is land­ing for the democ­rats.
  • The ille­gals dont care that they are cross­ing ille­gal­ly. When asked a ques­tion they are to say they are here for a job.
  • Biden remains a com­pre­hen­sive­ly weak incum­bent, weighed down by the same lia­bil­i­ties that bur­dened him from the start, being with the largest and com­plete­ly unfix­able one. At 81 he is much too old to run for pres­i­dent. Biden does­nt stand a chance. The vote could be so large that VA and NY could go red. This could hap­pen and why arent they doing any­thing about it?
  • Polling
  • The world is prepar­ing for Trump. It looks like Trump can­not be beat in this elec­tion. Remem­ber the deep state is the uni­par­ty. Remem­ber the deep state will allow a repub­li­can to win. Don’t think they will allow Trump to stay in office. Does joe biden have to get out of the race for the deep state to com­plete their plan? No. what if
  • Is it a coin­ci­dence that Nik­ki, Burns and Lind­sey Gra­ham were over there in Israel and they released 4 hostages.
  • New declas­si­fied doc­u­ments proved Water­gate was a CIA oper­a­tion to take down nixon. Nixon wins the 72 elec­tion in a land­slide. Dont for­get Nixon had Spiro Agnew. They took down Agnew and gave Nixon Ger­ald Ford. Ronald Rea­gan did­nt want George H Bush as a run­ning mate. The deep state is a tough crowd, very dan­ger­ous. The vice pres­i­dent is a big­ger deal this elec­tion in our life­time. Trump and Biden can only serve 4 years. Remem­ber the take­down of Don­ald Trump in his first term.
  • Trump is in a land­slide posi­tion. And you think in his sec­ond term we will be able to take a sigh of relief. Remem­ber COVID, steal­ing an elec­tion, and you think they will give the peo­ple what they want. You think they will allow us to have our win. And allow Trump to do all these amaz­ing things with­out push back. Remem­ber Nixon was tak­en down by the CIA. and then you got Jim­my Carter. Is it pos­si­ble they let Don­ald Trump and give us an impres­sion that we got the W. Watch that VP pick. Watch 1 year into his pres­i­den­cy and that he does­nt have to leave for some rea­son.
  • Eyes are wide open in this coun­try but it gives rea­son to pause.
  • Who do you believe? Rus­sia nuclear pow­ered sub­ma­rine to vis­it Cuba amid ris­ing ten­sions with US. but no direct threat. It is to be rou­tine maneu­vers in the lead up to a glob­al naval exer­cise in the fall. Noth­ing to see here.
  • The City of Cleve­land has been shut down. Their com­put­er sys­tem has been hacked.

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