Something is Happening: Will the Deep State allow Donald Trump to win?
- So much is developing so rapidly. Watch out for the noise/smoke. We have people that believe they will steal the election. People that believe that the machines will flip the votes. The voter rolls are inaccurate. There will be an election. We have to participate. Every scenario needs to be considered. Republicans may win California. Trump hit a nerve. If you are in the service industry, Trump takes away the tax on tips. They are worried that Trump will become an unscripted president.
- The 2nd Congressional District has been held by Sandford Bishop for decades. Republicans are in a runoff. Chuck Hand leaves the stage during a debate stage after giving an opening statement. Wayne Johnson does not live in the district and only comes to the district when he wants to get elected. Chuck Hand lives in the district and from the district. Early voting has started for the runoff.
- The 3rd congressional district Mike Dugan is a former State Senator. Brian Jack has been endorsed by opponents and by Donald Trump. Brian Jack is set to win the district.
- Ukraine and Moldova are in talks now. They know that the minute Ukraine becomes a part of NATO, The people of Europe dont want to be involved in a world war. They call Putin the aggressor but we are the ones that are positioning military advancement. Will we put nukes in poland, ukraine. Putin is not going to wait on us. Russia is not the ones doing all the lying in the world.
- Ukraine is sitting on a gold mine. Is that what this is about a $10–12T mineral deposit that we are not going to give Russia and China. Now you dont want to give mineral deposits to China. What about the minerals in Afghanistan that we gave to China?
- CIA Burns was just over there just days ago. Was he over there with Nikki Haley? Lindsey Graham? In the Middle East? Israel gave a list of weapons they need to Lindsey Graham. When you need weapons, give it to Lindsey.
- Something is happening. This is not going to be a cake walk. The world is preparing for Trump.