Home / National / After the lefts barrage of negativity, who will democrats run against Trump?

After the lefts barrage of negativity, who will democrats run against Trump?

  • What the morn­ing shows are say­ing is that Biden has to go but Trump
  • Remem­ber Robert Hur vin­di­cat­ed deserves an apol­o­gy after the Biden debate per­for­mance. We know why they will not release Biden’s tes­ti­mo­ny. Hur said that Biden could­nt stand tri­al. Biden is in the white house and Jill is let­ting it hap­pen.
  • Nev­er Trust Fox. They brought in Fet­ter­man who had a stroke and had a bad debate night.
  • They did­nt let Trump get away with any­thing this week­end. They can’t take any­thing back of what they said the night of the debate.. Why did they set up Joe for fail­ure? There is not much that can be done with­out his res­ig­na­tion. Biden went to NC and that was planned before the debate. But where were the demo­c­rat stars that should have shown up behind Biden if the debate was just a blip. Where is he all over the friend­ly spots to get him on the air­waves? Noth­ing. Could it be telling? They have a 10 day win­dow to get Biden to remove his name from the bal­lot.
  • Very few pass the torch to Kamala Har­ris.

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