Home / Georgia / If GA Doesnt Have Election Confidence By Now Something Has Failed

If GA Doesnt Have Election Confidence By Now Something Has Failed

  • They are beg­ging you to look at all of Joe Bidens 1st term amaz­ing wins.
  • If you think Biden will be replaced, who will it be? And will you do it? If they replace Biden every­thing that Trump said will go on the dry erase board and it will be wiped clean. The pow­er bro­kers cant fig­ure out who they are try­ing to work out a deal.
  • The fed­er­al­ist Here are the 20 biggest lies that Biden told dur­ing his debate with Trump.
  • The democ­rats have tak­en advan­tage of the fact that Joe does­nt know where he is at. Amer­i­cans are in Sham­bles because of Demo­c­rat poli­cies, not just Joe Biden. — The Fed­er­al­ists.
  • There is so much footage out there that the com­mer­cials will be end­less of what ABC, CNN, MSNBC has said as a result of the debate.
  • There was a bill spon­sored by democ­rats in VA that they were try­ing to pass. That when a baby was deliv­ered then the doc­tor and moth­er would have a con­ver­sa­tion about dis­card­ing the baby. Trump men­tioned this on the debate stage.
  • Elec­tion board in Forsyth Coun­ty reject­ed vot­er chal­lenges of peo­ple said to have moved from the state. The chal­lenges have the data show­ing that the peo­ple have moved out of the coun­ty but because it is elec­tron­ic they have kept them on the vot­er rolls.
  • We have done all we can for vot­er con­fi­dence. We have failed with a repub­li­can gov­er­nor and repub­li­can major­i­ty in the sen­ate and house with the results of this polling. But instead of restor­ing con­fi­dence we have retained pow­er for those in charge.
  • We have dis­cussed the dates we have to get through just to get Trump through the elec­tion and con­fir­ma­tion.

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