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Chaos In The Democrat Party

  • Remem­ber Steve Ban­non is not in jail because of democ­rats but because repub­li­cans par­tic­i­pat­ed. BKP was invit­ed on Ban­nons show after BKP was elect­ed to the first vice chair. BKP was invit­ed back but then was shut down by the Polit­i­cal Indus­tri­al Machine. Ban­non is in jail because he did­nt par­tic­i­pate in the pho­ny fake select com­mit­tee. It has been since 1948 since con­tempt of con­gress land­ing some­one in jail. The J6 com­mit­tee had a report on Mar 11, 2024 Lou­d­er­milk chaired the com­mit­tee that inves­ti­gat­ed the J6 select com­mit­tee.
  • Dont for­get Rus­sia warns the US to brace for retal­i­a­tion. Morell knows that Joe has demen­tia and is the one that puts the spie who lied in the let­ter and is the one that wrote an arti­cle that the ter­ror­ist red lights are flash­ing. McCall from TX say­ing that ISIS is com­ing across the bor­der.
  • By Democ­ra­cy Democ­rats mean a shad­ow gov­ern­ment of unelect­ed Biden aides. The Democ­rats media arent upset Biden is senile. Theyre mad they cant hide it any­more.
  • The Biden cam­paign tried to reas­sure dems after debate. The Biden team cir­cu­lat­ed a poll show­ing no change in race after bad debate. Many who sup­port­ed Biden, his aides say, have long rec­og­nized that he is show­ing signs of age, but nonethe­less they either appre­ci­ate his accom­plish­ments or are repelled by the prospect of a sec­ond Trump pres­i­den­cy.
  • There is a rea­son Whit­mer, Gavin are sur­fac­ing in the news. The media is not run­ning any­thing that they dont get from the deep state. Accord­ing to the media Biden has­nt called Schumer and Jef­fries. It is being float­ed out on pur­pose that Biden has lost Michi­gan.
  • All the Trump cas­es are over.
  • They want you to believe they are rais­ing mon­ey for the Biden cam­paign but the donors are out.

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