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We Are Tired Of The Committees That Run The Country

  • We have to pros­e­cute them.
  • If Kamala is going to be the nom­i­nee she might as well be the pres­i­dent. If Kamala is pres­i­dent of the US. the media will switch gears and then she goes into bat­tle with Trump.
  • We are in dan­ger here. This is not repub­li­can vs demo­c­rat it is good vs evil. The democ­rats call democ­ra­cy, the com­mit­tee that runs the coun­try.
  • In 2019 the fam­i­ly was upset that Joe was run­ning for pres­i­dent because he was already diag­nosed with demen­tia. The deep state knew this the whole time. Every­one knows this all around the world. They know that Joe is not run­ning the coun­try.
  • We should be arrest­ing these peo­ple in the act of lying and decep­tion. Yes­ter­day at the Brook­ings Insti­tute, Blinken is try­ing to assure the world that Joe is good.
  • Trumps Project 2025 out­lines a plan replac­ing career civ­il ser­vants. Trump will tell the sec­re­taries that they pick their staff. As it stands now the sec­re­taries go in and the staff tells the sec­re­tary how it works. Trump wants to end the bureau­cra­cy. The deep state is implant­ed in all the agen­cies. In 2020 the agen­cies picked the cab­i­net, Biden is maybe the first fig­ure­head installed. Blinken should have been arrest­ed on stage. Blinken was part of the deep state that picked the cab­i­net. Blinken calls Morell to run cov­er for Biden by whip­ping up sig­na­tures to debunk the Hunter Lap­top. The let­ter was released. It was the spies who lied. They know what they did and have to be tried for trea­son for steal­ing the coun­try from the peo­ple.
  • The con­sti­tu­tion was upheld yes­ter­day with pres­i­den­tial immu­ni­ty.
  • They all knew, They all knew, They all need to go to prison

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