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Democrats Play A Long Game When You Think They Are In Disarray

  • Democ­rats play a long game and you think they are in dis­ar­ray and it is over for the democ­rats. But they are set­ting up for the long game. Ille­gals will vote but how many it is unknown. Repub­li­cans are putting a bill togeth­er now to stop ille­gals from vot­ing.
  • We have to stop and fix the errors of the 2020 elec­tion. If you just have bandaids it will get you to the next lev­el but it will bust.
  • Tomor­row the state elec­tion board will meet. This will be the first time the SEB will meet free from the State of Sec­re­tary office and Janelle King is on the board. We will see if the Joe Rossi case will get a sec­ond to see if Ful­ton Coun­ty get more than a slap on the wrist. Will it get moved to the AG office?
  • 60 mil­lion have crossed the bor­der. WHY? Across your state’s redis­trict­ing hap­pened and all the court fights hap­pened. Repub­li­cans in GA with the help of Bri­an Kemp, our law­mak­ers in GA were in total pan­ic hav­ing to redraw dis­tricts. Kemp had to call a spe­cial ses­sion, not for the elec­tion or to find the ille­gals in GA but to redraw the con­gres­sion­al lines.
  • In the 2020 cen­sus and the pan­ic set in. The redis­trict­ing is set up for the long game. If 50 mil­lion came in, is that 50 added con­gres­sion­al seats? They will vote, they will col­lapse your edu­ca­tion, med­ical, finan­cial sys­tems.
  • This is why we need to have Trump back in office and the largest depor­ta­tion in his­to­ry. The White House argued that by law the pres­i­dent has the final say over who must be count­ed in the cen­sus. And Trump has said that unau­tho­rized immi­grants should not be count­ed because it would under­mine Amer­i­can rep­re­sen­ta­tive democ­ra­cy and cre­ate per­verse incen­tives for those seek­ing to come to the US. Oct 9, 2020. Despite the 14th amend­ment require­ment to include the whole num­ber of per­sons in each state. Trump want­ed to exclude unau­tho­rized immi­grants from the cen­sus counts used to real­lo­cate each states share of con­gres­sion­al seats and elec­toral votes.
  • Supreme court blocks 2020 cen­sus cit­i­zen­ship ques­tion in set­back for Trump admin. The con­tro­ver­sy cen­ters around whether the admin­is­tra­tion can ask all recip­i­ents a cit­i­zen­ship ques­tion on the 2020 cen­sus for the first time since the 1950s, a move that could impact the bal­ance of pow­er in states and the house of rep­re­sen­ta­tives which are based on total pop­u­la­tion. It was a 5–4 deci­sion in the court on this issue, John Roberts killed the cen­sus cit­i­zen­ship ques­tion. What will hap­pen in 2030? If we had 50 mil­lion come in here and we dont get these peo­ple out of here they will get count­ed in the cen­sus and they will get rep­re­sen­ta­tion with­out cit­i­zen­ship.
  • In 2030 they all get count­ed.

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