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Is It Time To Tell Biden He Has Already Served 2 Terms?

  • Democ­rats have to do some­thing. You hear democ­rats talk about the del­e­gates. They will try to tamp down the con­cerns but is it real?
  • Nan­cy Pelosi is say­ing they both need to take the cog­ni­tive test. The 25th amend­ment would give us Kamala Har­ris.
  • Nato is com­ing to town this week.
  • CA is in an all out pan­ic. Adam Schiff is run­ning for office against Steve Gar­vey, repub­li­can. It has been over a month since any polling in CA. if the polling in CA has moved as lit­tle as 3 points they are going crazy. Down bal­lot is real­ly where the con­cern is.
  • The joke is telling Biden that he has served 2 terms. Schiff is say­ing that Biden has been more suc­cess­ful in 1 term than most pres­i­dents in 2 terms. Schiff is send­ing sig­nals that every­thing should be work­ing against Trump if Joe was a strong can­di­date.
  • PA was only set up to make it look like democ­rats arent dis­tanc­ing them­selves from Joe. Schiff say­ing you can only run so far ahead of the pres­i­dent in polling. The down bal­lot can­di­dates are get­ting ner­vous.
  • Is Gavin lay­ing things down as to how they are going to work? New­som stumps for Biden in PA.
  • This is a drop of every­thing and we have to sup­port our can­di­date. Why does­nt Shapiro meet Biden at the air­port on Sun­day. No gov­er­nor Shapiro in Har­ris­burg, the LT gov meets Biden. Biden goes to a cof­fee shop with­out reporters inside in Har­ris­burg where there are pic­tures of Biden and Shapiro hav­ing cof­fee through the glass. Not a cam­paign event.
  • No one (demo­c­rat elect­ed offi­cials) goes on the morn­ing shows this week­end. Pan­ic mode, clear­ing the deck.
  • Rep Susan Wild (D‑PA) is the dis­trict that brought in the win for Trump in 2016 in PA. She is say­ing that Biden should step aside dur­ing the demo­c­rat lead­er­ship call. This dis­trict has to come in strong for Trump to over­come Philly.
  • Is Biden Out? The mock­ing­bird media is work­ing their part in the coup. The CIA is work­ing. Trump has told Biden to stay in the race. Kamala Har­ris is not the plan.
  • If they erase the board it will not be Kamala Har­ris. There will be an excite­ment lev­el and the media will not be able to go after the demo­c­rat. The dry erase board is cleared. They will shift Joe into a hero pres­i­dent. The 25th amend­ment is just a scar, but it is unlike­ly they will use it. The new can­di­date comes in and the mock­ing­bird media imme­di­ate­ly goes into Joe Biden’s lega­cy and on top of that will be the new shiny pen­ny and that pen­ny wont have the flaws. That Pen­ny will not be 80, wont be a felon, wont go after ret­ri­bu­tion. Why would the Trump team par­tic­i­pate in this activ­i­ty? The best sce­nario for Trump is that Biden has to stay in. Why would the Trump cam­paign par­tic­i­pate in get­ting Joe out hav­ing the debate before the nom­i­na­tion of the can­di­dates.

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