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Replacing The Voters They Are Losing

  • They have to replace the vot­ers they are los­ing. Until you go into the com­mu­ni­ty with busi­ness own­ers you cant under­stand. They have to replace the black man vote with the ille­gals that are com­ing in to take their jobs. The demo­c­rat par­ty is giv­ing them mon­ey, hous­ing, med­ical and allow them to vote.
  • The house pass­es the SAVE act. 5 democ­rats crossed over to help repub­li­cans pass the bill. Will require doc­u­men­tary proof of cit­i­zen­ship. This is not vot­er sup­pres­sion. They are replac­ing the black peo­ple with brown peo­ple.
  • House dems turn to Pelosi to get Biden to step down. Schumer is open to dump­ing Biden.
  • Polit­i­cal stunt: House Over­sight sub­poe­nas top Biden aides over his men­tal fit­ness. Exec­u­tive priv­i­lege will pre­vent them from tes­ti­fy­ing.
  • It is very pos­si­ble that the repub­li­cans take back the sen­ate for 10–15 years.
  • The media poll, the polls they pur­chase and write the ques­tions show a dead heat but the pri­vate polls are dev­as­tat­ing.
  • At the G7 they did­nt have total mock­ing­bird media. But at NATO the mock­ing­bird media has had com­plete con­trol. You dont see Joe mov­ing or he is not get­ting yelled at by the media. They are try­ing to min­i­mize the dam­age for the world to see.
  • Jill and Valerie wont let him go down in flames. They are already turn­ing the dial on Joe. Ben­nett from CO has already said that TRump can win in a land­slide. When was the last time a land­slide was pre­dict­ed before the con­ven­tion? If Trump is up in a land­slide and it is a done deal what will the democ­rats do with the repub­li­can con­ven­tion bump.

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