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What Is The Price Of A Fair And Accurate Election?

  • David Cross
  • They have done all they can do to sup­press the vot­er. Yes­ter­day at the SEB they had to have 2 over­flow rooms. The peo­ple showed up in droves. There are 2 new state board elec­tion mem­bers. Janelle King was engaged and was a fan­tas­tic addi­tion to the board.
  • There has been a title shift as far as being able to hear the com­plainan­t’s sides and the ener­gy in the room is pos­i­tive for patri­ots.
  • At the end of the day when the poll man­ag­er is to match the num­ber of poll pad check in, pieces of paper, to the poll receipts. Not the tab­u­la­tion of the votes. Mak­ing sure if you had 100 come in to vote and have 100 bal­lots and the results show 100. 3 checks to ensure accu­ra­cy at the precinct lev­el. It will be a state elec­tion board rule that will have to be fol­lowed.
  • Ful­ton coun­ty board of elec­tions has a mon­i­tor. They are fight­ing due to the cost of the mon­i­tor. Ryan Ger­many has put out a pro­pos­al to be the mon­i­tor. Ryan was the pre­vi­ous lawyer of the Sec­re­tary of State and is try­ing to be the Ful­ton Coun­ty mon­i­tor. He was the attor­ney that was work­ing against the Gar­land Favorito case.
  • Biggest con­cerns: chain of cus­tody of mail in bal­lots. That the mail in bal­lots is received by the per­son request­ing the bal­lots.
  • What is the price of a fair and accu­rate elec­tion?

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