Home / All Star Political Panel / All Star Political Panel July 12, 2024

All Star Political Panel July 12, 2024

Seg 1

  • When they end­ed the SEB meet­ing on Tues­day they just went into recess. They are start­ing it back up at 4pm this evening. Pay Atten­tion to what may hap­pen. There is a lot of stuff going on in Ful­ton Coun­ty. We may not be in any bet­ter posi­tion in Ful­ton Coun­ty than in 2020.
  • Let’s not gloss over the crime. How do the democ­rats feel being com­plic­it in a crime know­ing that Biden did­nt beat Trump the first time. Is any­one going to break it to Biden? He did­n’t win the first time. They steal the elec­tion and then they cov­er up his men­tal acu­ity. Age has noth­ing to do with it.
  • Joe Bidens cam­paign got a black lady fired from the radio sta­tion because they would not give her the inter­view unless she only used the ques­tions giv­en by the cam­paign. Then we have the 22 min­utes from George that was arranged. And a radio sta­tion that was record­ed and edit­ed before broad­cast­ed.
  • Repub­li­cans are meet­ing in Mil­wau­kee and we have arti­cles say­ing repub­li­cans are going to win in a land­slide. This is all before Half­time. The democ­rats are stressed all across the coun­try. But they know how to read­just.
  • Europe and NATO are prepar­ing for war. Vik­tor Orban from Hun­gary met with Turkey, Rus­sia, Chi­na, and was at Mar-a-Lago yes­ter­day.


Seg 2

  • Hunter Biden is attend­ing a meet­ing yet he could­nt get secu­ri­ty clear­ance. The debate was all about expo­sure. They cant hide it any­more.
  • Why is Zelen­sky in town for NATO? When did Ukraine become a part of NATO? Biden isnt capa­ble of bring­ing peace to the mid­dle east or between Ukraine and Rus­sia.
  • Chi­na, Rus­sia, India (BRICS) have changed the cur­ren­cy around the world. Joe Biden has helped Iran to become rich­er. Amer­i­ca used to be feared but now you have Sau­di say­ing they will sell the debt bonds. Amer­i­ca is irrel­e­vant. We are broke but we are doing plen­ty for Ukraine giv­ing our equip­ment away and print­ing more and more mon­ey.
  • Is Joe out? Democ­rats will win by any means nec­es­sary. The democ­rats have to keep Joe on the tick­et because of the laws and the mon­ey. The democ­rats vot­ed for Joe and how could they put some­one in as pres­i­dent, the peo­ple they did­n’t vote for.
  • There are some legal prob­lems with the mon­ey. They are divid­ing the mon­ey with­in the inner cir­cle. This is the poli­cial indus­tri­al com­plex that you are look­ing at. Kamala cant be the can­di­date because it is the Biden admin­is­tra­tion. Democ­rats have to put some­one up that will clean the board.


Seg 3

  • Tuck­er inter­view with Cather­ine Har­ridge. CBS fired her over a zoom meet­ing. She is the one that was report­ing that the lap­top was real. The tra­di­tion­al lega­cy media is gone. The peo­ple are going to inde­pen­dent media for the news.
  • RNC plat­form.
  • Jerome Pow­ell is talk­ing about sta­ble coins, the new buzz word for cryp­to.
  • VP pick
  • Demo­c­rat new can­di­date
  • Win­ners and losers

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