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We Have To Continue Our Job To Scale The Wall Of Fulton County Elections

  • We have to con­tin­ue our job to scale the wall of Ful­ton Coun­ty elec­tions.
  • Forsyth Coun­ty is the fastest grow­ing coun­ty in the nation and there are some chal­lenges in vot­er rolls with­in the coun­ty, reg­is­tra­tion chal­lenges on per­ma­nent changes of address with reg­is­tra­tions in oth­er states. Forsyth is argu­ing that there was insuf­fi­cient evi­dence to remove the cit­i­zens.
  • They are mov­ing the goal­posts. It costs mon­ey for every line on the vot­er roll. The precincts are set up to have equip­ment based on the num­ber of reg­is­tra­tions. In Ful­ton there are 114% of peo­ple eli­gi­ble to reg­is­ter. 870K reg­is­tra­tions in Ful­ton Coun­ty.
  • Won­der if the state of GA wont accept the data of a state that is not a mem­ber of ERIC. ERIC is a pad the vot­er roll sys­tem. Is it pos­si­ble that the Sec­re­tary of State office say­ing that if the infor­ma­tion is not com­ing from ERIC the infor­ma­tion can­not be ver­i­fied.
  • Although this is just Forsyth coun­ty, it could be hap­pen­ing all across the state. There are 23,000 exact match­es that have moved from GA to FL in the last 4 years.
  • It is $485 for GA vot­er rolls. It is a link to a dig­i­tal file with a pass­word. This is a for prof­it scheme. Oth­er states like FL, NC, and DC are free. There are claims that they are too busy to get a vot­er roll.
  • We should be allowed to know the truth.
  • 21–2‑17 reg­is­tered in oth­er state lost reg­is­tra­tion
  • Cit­i­zens mak­ing vot­er rolls claims.

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