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How Does AJC Get GA GOP Delegate List Before Delegates

  • We must ask for the res­ig­na­tion of the Chair­man of the SEB. he is tied to the Sec­re­tary of State office. He was appoint­ed by Bri­an Kemp. He did not want you to hear the rebut­tal from Rossi. He is try­ing to stop the infor­ma­tion being released.
  • Josh McK­oon, chair­man of the GA GOP Inc, has not released the del­e­gate list to the pub­lic. Who was going to be the nom­i­nee from GA? We are a long way from Jan 20, 2025. The biggest hur­dle being Ful­ton Coun­ty GA. What if Trump was dropped? Even the del­e­gates and alter­nates were not pro­vid­ed a list of oth­er del­e­gates. Josh McK­oon par­tic­i­pates in the cor­rup­tion. John Garst was a reg­is­tered domin­ion lob­by­ist. John Garst is Josh Mck­oons karaoke part­ner and they have a great friend­ship and trav­el part­ners.
  • On what plan­et does the AJC get the GA GOP RNC del­e­gate list before the actu­al del­e­gates. Bluestien has had the list for sev­er­al days and has been told to hold the list until Sun­day. The del­e­gates have been told Josh wants to hold the list to pre­vent some peo­ple there from being harassed.
  • They told us at the GOP con­ven­tion that Trump put up the del­e­gates for the RNC. Why would Trump put a domin­ion lob­by­ist as a del­e­gate?
  • Who is John Garst? Pres­i­dent of Roset­ta Stone. Lob­by­ist for Domin­ion Vot­ing. Cyn­thia Garst, his wife, is also a lob­by­ist for Domin­ion Vot­ing.
  • The del­e­gate meet­ing Sun­day at the resort the GA GOP has rent­ed. 3 peo­ple have told us that John Garst is at the meet­ing. We do not know if John Garst is an alter­nate. He was in the room but we dont know if he is a guest of Josh McK­oon. Who has paid these expens­es?
  • We are going to break down the Ful­ton Coun­ty wall. The GA state board of elec­tion who is hid­ing the ful­ton coun­ty elec­tions with the help of repub­li­cans, sec­re­tary of state, gov­er­nor and AG.
  • Trey Kel­ly, the for­mer Ful­ton Co chair­man, stole the elec­tion. And why did peo­ple par­tic­i­pate in help­ing Trey steal the elec­tion? There is a mul­ti-mil­lion dol­lar trust fund. WE have the GA GOP giv­ing roset­ta stone $1M. Ful­ton coun­ty giv­ing $400K+ to Roset­ta Stone. We have been wait­ing for an audit from Ful­ton Coun­ty from the new GOP chair. The pre­lim­i­nary audit will be with­held until after the con­ven­tion. Why would she par­tic­i­pate in hold­ing back a valid audit from her GOP com­mu­ni­ty?
  • A FBI employ­ee in the gun back­ground check unit expressed dis­ap­point­ment that Trump lived after assas­si­na­tion attempt. Where is the out­rage on that?
  • They want to take your free­dom of speech and your guns.
  • They dont want you to look at social media.
  • They have to stop X and Truth Social. They have to stop Alex Jones, Steve Ban­non. They have to stop all the plat­forms. The infor­ma­tion is no longer being tak­en from mock­ing­bird media peo­ple who are going to out­side sources.
  • You may change your mind if an AR15 kills your guy. You wont accept what they say. You need to real­ize that it is you that will not accept you need gun con­trol. How fast will Biden use I will ban an assault rifle that almost killed Don­ald Trump ” WE give up some­thing in order to feel safe and have our gov­ern­ment take care of us. The democ­rats dont care they will give up any­thing but will tamp it down. Will you back off your con­spir­a­cy the­o­ry for safe­ty sake. We must have gov­ern­ment par­tic­i­pa­tion to keep an eye on you. We must get back to the deal the FBI had with twit­ter because Rus­sia is try­ing to manip­u­late our elec­tions. Final­ly, will you accept the elec­tion? NOw if you want to be safe and uni­fy you will accept what they will tell you.

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