Home / National / Why Did They Allow The Assassination Attempt On Donald Trump?

Why Did They Allow The Assassination Attempt On Donald Trump?

  • Why did they allow an assas­si­na­tion attempt? Joe Biden would have been ok with a suc­cess­ful attempt.
  • MSNBC is a demo­c­rat cam­paign net­work. Morn­ing Joe was tak­en off the air yes­ter­day and they are back today. They had to regroup the cam­paign yes­ter­day.
  • The doc­u­ments case was dis­missed. The cas­es were over months ago.
  • There is no way Trump can lose this morn­ing.
  • MSNBC admits morn­ing Joe is deeply dam­ag­ing to the coun­try. Morn­ing Joe would not have been able to hold back; they had to regroup with the cam­paign to get focused. Joe pulled his videos.
  • This wont be the last time democ­rats attempt to assas­si­nate Trump. Direc­tor Kim Chea­tle land­ed the job after a push by Jill Bidens office got her the job with the secret ser­vice. You fire the indi­vid­ual imme­di­ate­ly for fail­ure to pro­tect. If Joe Biden, if he cared, if they would not allow these things to hap­pen they would change the per­son­nel and because she still has a job says vol­umes that they dont care. 820
  • They let it hap­pen. Why did they allow some­one to attempt to kill Don­ald Trump?
  • A weird white kid takes a shot at Trump. What hap­pened to our kids? Maybe fresh out of the base­ment. 2 years out of high school, not out of the mil­i­tary, not a trained killer, how does this hap­pen.
  • Are they beef­ing up secu­ri­ty around Joe, Jill, Barack no.
  • You did­nt lis­ten on Jan 6, you did­nt lis­ten when whit­mer was kid­napped, and when pelosi got beat­en with a ham­mer. Will you lis­ten now the AR15 is the weapon of choice of dis­turbed young men. They are telling you, do you real­ly need an AR15 to hunt that deer? You were ok with a man who killed black peo­ple in the gro­cery store, and when some­one walked into a gay night­club, and when it is Don­ald Trump are you ready to talk? 839
  • They want your guns and now that it is Don­ald Trump, will you com­pro­mise. Every­time some­thing hap­pens in this coun­try we give up one of our free­doms to feel safe.

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