Home / Georgia / Can GA Voting Machines Still Pick Biden To Win?

Can GA Voting Machines Still Pick Biden To Win?

  • Bri­an Kemp and Mar­ty are at the con­ven­tion. He is the vice chair of the repub­li­can gov­er­nor com­mit­tee.
  • Most of the repub­li­can del­e­ga­tions that have a repub­li­can gov­er­nor, and when they stand up to con­firm their votes on Mon­day all the con­sti­tu­tion­al offices are sur­round­ing the micro­phone. GA did­nt have a con­sti­tu­tion­al office. In GA we have the fake repub­li­can chair­man McK­oon. Kemp could stand to take pic­tures with Turn­ing Point Action Coop­er Whit­mire. Kemp can take pic­tures through­out the con­ven­tion but could­nt stand to nom­i­nate Trump. He is only say­ing to take back the White House. He has admit­ted that he did­nt vote in the pri­ma­ry. Mar­ty admit­ted that Trump had not earned her vote. They have addressed the GA del­e­ga­tion twice and nev­er men­tioned Trump. Kemp did not attend the GA GOP Inc state con­ven­tion the last 2 times. 3 years ago they were booed off the stage, repub­li­cans dont want peo­ple steal­ing an elec­tion. Josh McK­oon why would you let Kemp speak to the del­e­ga­tion? Kemp poli­cial PAC has not giv­en any mon­ey to the GA GOP. How can Mck­oon allow Kemp to speak after he has dumped on the grass­roots and being com­plic­it in the steal­ing of an elec­tion and allow­ing Fani Willis to go as far as she did.
  • There were peo­ple in the GA del­e­ga­tion who should have got­ten up and walked out the room when he spoke and nev­er tak­en a pic­ture with him. McK­oon has not talked to the del­e­ga­tion as a whole just to cer­tain peo­ple to spread the word through­out the del­e­ga­tion.
  • Emer­ald Robin­son: GA del­e­gates at the RNC just told me that they were warned by par­ty offi­cials not to trash Kemp or go pub­lic with their dis­con­tent with his lead­er­ship at the con­ven­tion. GA GOV Kemp is at the RNC this week and he just told Politi­co that the GOP is over­es­ti­mat­ing Trumps chances to win. He said: a lot of things can hap­pen. In oth­er words, GA vot­ing machines can still pick Biden to win.
  • Bri­an Kemp is a bad per­son. Josh McK­oon is a bad per­son.
  • The kid that shot Trump did bet­ter sur­veil­lance and did a bet­ter job scop­ing out the area than the SS advance team though the roof was too steep.
  • Joe Nan­cy is on your heels. Mika deliv­ered the deep state mes­sage. Schumer, Schiff, Pelosi, Clooney on behalf of Oba­ma have sent the mes­sage.

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