Home / National / RNC Convention & Assassination Attempt Pushed Joe’s Got To Go Off The Cycle

RNC Convention & Assassination Attempt Pushed Joe’s Got To Go Off The Cycle

  • The con­ven­tion and the assas­si­na­tion attempt pushed Joe’s to go on the back burn­er. Joe Manchin came out yes­ter­day morn­ing to say Joe had to go. Could the deep state media try to hide the plan? 38 reps and 4 sen­a­tors pres­sure Biden to get out of the race. Even Fox was in on the plan.
  • Did Joe have COVID? It was a con­ve­nience.
  • Sun­day they were run­ning the pos­si­bles. Just like that.
  • Crowd­Strike and the trav­el indus­try, bank­ing indus­try. Maybe they set it up so the repub­li­cans could­nt get out of Mil­wau­kee. Crowd­Strike had a soft­ware update and all around the world planes were ground­ed and banks had prob­lems, but noth­ing to see here. And just like that its gone.
  • Chea­tle is going to tes­ti­fy in front of Con­gress today. She said we failed.
  • There are some dates that are going to both­er you. The Olympics start this Fri­day. In the next two weeks you can focus on the sports and take your mind off this whole mess.
  • And you want me to believe dona­tions flood back into the cof­fers $46.7M.
  • They brought out the his­to­ri­ans. He has gone from a 50 yr cor­rupt politi­cian with demen­tia to an Amer­i­can hero. Kamala knew that Joe had to go, and cov­ered it up. The Amer­i­can peo­ple are tired of cov­er ups and not telling the Amer­i­can peo­ple the truth. You are not hear­ing from the top advi­sors. Joe did­nt get out of the race as they pre­sent­ed polling num­bers while he was lay­ing in the bed because of COVID.
  • Cau­tion on the noise. There is a rapid move­ment that you need to relax.
  • We told you that Joe would be a hero. We dont know if Joe is alive. Amer­i­ca needs to see Joe. If you are the pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca and you decide to drop out of the race you dont tweet it out and send a let­ter. Why allow the deep state media to run the nar­ra­tive if you have it all togeth­er. If he is alive they will put him in a base­ment. Because you keep hear­ing if Joe cant run he cant serve. They are try­ing to anoint Kamala Har­ris but if she is an incum­bent that is large.
  • Now it is time to make Joe Biden the ulti­mate Amer­i­can Hero.
  • Jill and Hunter did­nt go qui­et­ly. The Biden fam­i­ly will be par­doned.
  • Joe has his LBJ moment.
  • Zelen­sky had a phone con­ver­sa­tion with Trump Fri­day. Lets not gloss over that.
  • Nip­pon Steel hires Mike Pom­peo, for­mer Sec­re­tary of State. He is CIA. YOu do not go into the CIA with­out sign­ing on to agree with what the CIA is doing. US Steel is in the works to sell to the Japan­ese Steel man­u­fac­tur­er Nip­pon Steel. Mike Pom­peo is work­ing out the deal.
  • Lou Dobbs and Bob Newhart died.
  • Will Joe Manchin run?

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