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The SWAT Team Had No Communication With The Secret Service

  • The SWAT team had no com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the secret ser­vice. New­ly sur­faced texts show Trump ral­ly gun­man was on author­i­ties radar more than 90 min­utes before shoot­ing. Top brass knew that some­one was going to attempt to kill Don­ald Trump on July 13, 2024 and assist­ed in the event. Remem­ber Christo­pher Wray laid the ground­work to lay the doubt that Trumps ear was hit by the bul­let. No one is being held account­able. Now they want to put a bipar­ti­san com­mit­tee to do a report. Maybe it will be a 911 com­mis­sion where many of the pages were redact­ed. The doc­u­ments from the JFK assas­si­na­tion are still sealed. They were aware of the guy for 90 min­utes, a man is dead. And all we have is a dead body lay­ing on the top of the roof.
  • The democ­rats are run­ning off with their Kamala cam­paign. Every­thing is going amaz­ing for them and the report­ing on the assas­si­na­tion attempt is a side note. The kid cant talk because he is dead. He cant tell you who he has been in com­mu­ni­ca­tion with. 847 If you can show that they allowed this, how safe is Don­ald Trump today?
  • It is a scary time in this coun­try when we are look­ing over what hap­pened to Don­ald trump.
  • 3 pales­tin­ian ter­ror sus­pects caught after cross­ing bor­der ille­gal­ly as over­whelmed agents warn. Kamala Har­ris is respon­si­ble for the bor­der.
  • What is impor­tant to the media is pro­nounc­ing Kamalas name cor­rect­ly. As Brad Raf­fensperg­er pre­pares to steal anoth­er elec­tion.
  • The assas­si­na­tion attempt inves­ti­ga­tion is over. Its like it did­n’t even hap­pen. 853
  • They are telling you to accept the results. Yet we are con­cerned about the Venezue­lan elec­tion.
  • The SOS office has told the GA SEB they will let them see the bal­lots if they close the case and stop the inves­ti­ga­tions.

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