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The Crime Of The Century Is The Stolen Election

  • The crime of the cen­tu­ry is the stolen elec­tion of 2020. The GA SOS office knows about the crime. The same peo­ple that want you to let this crime go are the same peo­ple that will be on the bal­lot in 2026 ask­ing for your vote. Why won’t we let this go in GA? It is one of the largest crimes com­mit­ted on the peo­ple in GA and the Amer­i­can peo­ple. Every politi­cian in GA and if you are going to come back to ask for our vote in 2026, you need to come on board and fig­ure out the crime of the cen­tu­ry.
  • Why did the gov­er­nor of KY pick GA? GA should be so far off that you can come to GA and win. GA should be that win. GA has a repub­li­can gov­er­nor, SOS, AG, major­i­ty in state sen­ate and house; yet democ­rats are going to spend mon­ey in GA. Democ­rats know that if you can just sit back and wit­ness the lev­el of proof that we have stolen elec­tions, and the peo­ple are still in charge of the stolen elec­tions and they know they stand to steal it again. 816
  • You cant live in fear. You have to be bold right now. You have to be bold in your Chris­tian­i­ty and your tra­di­tion­al mar­riage. You have to be bold and push back against the lib­er­al ideas. We can not allow the elec­tion to be stolen again.
  • They are set­ting up how long it will take for them to cer­ti­fy the elec­tion to steal the elec­tion. You are the only thing we have to come between the stolen elec­tion 818 You have to save the repub­lic. You have to be a poll watch­er and you have to vote.
  • Kamala Har­ris wants to ban assault rifles and claims that repub­li­cans want to ban books. The lib­er­als should go to a board of edu­ca­tion meet­ing where par­ents are read­ing these porno­graph­ic books that are avail­able to our chil­dren in their school libraries. While they are call­ing us weird. Russ­ian baltic fleet ships arrive in Cuba.
  • We are the weird peo­ple here.
  • WE are on ter­ror watch. 3 Pales­tin­ian ter­ror sus­pects caught after cross­ing bor­der ille­gal­ly as over­whelmed agents warn.
  • Every­thing was set up. You cant ramp up that fast. For the last 3 weeks since the debate, Kamala Har­ris and her team have been prepar­ing for her launch, while she was behind Joe. Her team was ready and the media was ready to turn every­thing the oth­er direc­tion. Fox was ready to attack JD Vance. Kamala was in on it to take down Joe Biden.

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