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Kamala Is Not Black

  • Christo­pher Wray, the FBI direc­tor said he is not sure if Trump was shot. The same Christo­pher Wray that hid the cell phone from Bridge­gate that would have con­vict­ed Chris Christie. Christo­pher Wray was appoint­ed to the FBI by Don­ald Trump through the rec­om­men­da­tion by Chris Christie.
  • Kamala is not black. Her dad is a com­mu­nist pro­fes­sor. They are scrub­bing every­thing clean in Kamalas back­ground. The deep state starts cre­at­ing their can­di­date for you. Just 2 weeks ago Kamala could­nt get 100 peo­ple and she was falling out of a coconut tree. Now they have grabbed Kamala and scrubbed her his­to­ry. She was rat­ed #1 under Bernie Sanders as the most lib­er­al Sen­a­tor. Appar­ent­ly the Joe you see on TV met with Netenyahu yes­ter­day. And are only air­ing BiBis com­ment and Joe just sit­ting there smil­ing. Just like that she does­nt laugh any­more and now she has this well writ­ten speech in front of the fold­ed flags. Every­thing is set in place. What if Joe is alive and decid­ed that he was run­ning for office. And Kamala came in and told that she was going to invoke the 25th amend­ment and it would tar­nish your lega­cy. They set up a deal with Joe and his fam­i­ly. All the deals were made on who will be in Kamalas cab­i­net. All the cor­rup­tion was put on paper. Take the deal or you’re gone. Did they push Joe out? Did they push him over the cliff?
  • Kamala is a for­mat­able can­di­date. Remem­ber John Fet­ter­man had a stroke, he could­nt string 2 sen­tences togeth­er. The nation watched the inter­view­er say it was hard to hold a con­ver­sa­tion. The nation watched the debate between Dr. Oz and Fet­ter­man. Today Fet­ter­man is the Sen­a­tor from PA. We know that Joe Biden nev­er got 81M votes. But the net­works said he got 81M votes and it was the safest, most secure elec­tion. Now GA is back in play. What does a week do? Last week Trump was dou­ble dig­its up in the polling and now he is down a point. Remem­ber Bri­an Kemp is still gov­er­nor, Chris Carr is Attor­ney Gen­er­al and Brad Raf­fensperg­er is still Sec­re­tary of State. And we know for a fact they stole GA. But every­thing is still in place for Kamala to be elect­ed. Watch­ing all the net­works she is the most amaz­ing woman. And just like that mas­sive donors and 100K vot­er reg­is­tra­tions.
  • 1963. The com­mu­nist man­i­festo was read into the record. The Russ­ian said to Eisen­how­er that he would have to fire a shot, every­thing was in place for the next gen­er­a­tion to hand over the coun­try.


Seg 2

  • The deal was made for Kamala. The cam­paign blurb is already on tik­tok. And Oba­ma and Michelle endors­ing Kamala. Michelle says it will be an his­toric time for Amer­i­ca. Hol­ly­wood is behind her and the donor class is behind her.
  • The peo­ple in this coun­try are becom­ing more aware. In GA we are in trou­ble. Joe hid in the base­ment and they con­tin­ue to tell us that he got 81M. And if you dont think they will run with Kamala.
  • How have we become a coun­try throw­ing tea over­board to not know­ing if a woman is a man.
  • Tuck­er Ben Car­son pod­cast.
  • Par­ents got Glenn Youngkin elect­ed in VA. 2 weeks ago Gavin New­som in CA signed a bill mak­ing it against the law for teach­ers to dis­cuss gen­der with the par­ents. Kamala Har­ris does­nt have kids. 16:55 They dont want us to talk about our kids. We dont need to be in fear, but we have to talk about what they are doing to our kids.
  • The media wants to deter­mine what is most impor­tant to you.
  • Who is in on the assas­si­na­tion


Seg 3

  • Bib­li­cal and Olympics. Recent­ly all the nar­ra­tive is pass­ing the torch. There will be a big cer­e­mo­ny of the torch pass­ing until they get to the Olympics and some­one will light the torch. So much infor­ma­tion in the 2012 Olympics to COVID. In 1920, the mod­ern day Olympic flag and the league of nations began. The tim­ing is all a part of the manip­u­la­tion. Things hap­pen in cycles of 52 years. There was an attack this morn­ing in Paris. Islam­ic immi­gra­tion is caus­ing issues in France, that is hap­pen­ing all over the world. And the net­works are not touch­ing the issue. Lets not gloss over Crowd­Strike last Fri­day. Fri­day Trump met with Zelen­sky. The phone call that got Trump impeached was on the DNC serv­er that Crowd­Strike has.
  • The last Olympics was in Chi­na. The world watched Putin assem­ble on the bor­der of Ukraine. Xi told Putin not to move now, wait until after the Olympics.
  • The world uni­fi­ca­tion is say­ing they dont want prob­lems at the Olympics. The entire world knows we are vul­ner­a­ble right now. Chi­na and Rus­sia did joint mil­i­tary drills over Alas­ka while Joe was in the air. What hap­pened while Joe was in the base­ment. The Chi­nese signed a deal with 14 Pales­tin­ian fac­tions while Syr­ia (den of thieves) is in Rus­sia work­ing out a deal to forge an alliance.
  • But Kamala is out there dis­cussing wom­en’s health.
  • Where are our spir­i­tu­al lead­ers? This is spir­i­tu­al war­fare.
  • We locked our kids in a base­ment for 2 years and they came out weird when they came out. We would­nt let them go to school. And then we will give them med­ica­tion to cure them. And their lessons were Social Emo­tion­al Learn­ing, Crit­i­cal Race The­o­ry. Where are these peo­ple that the dev­il is real?
  • They want you to think that the DEI can­di­date is racist. Democ­rats, why are you allow­ing them to pick your can­di­date. If Joe would have passed the torch before the pri­maries Kamala would not have been able to win.
  • Who was in on the assas­si­na­tion and who were they pick­ing to be the nom­i­nee?
  • Who is going to be the VP nom­i­nee for Kamala?
  • Peo­ple are tired of being told what to do and how to do it? You cant do any­thing with­out a license.
  • 2A rights. Raskin points out the num­ber of oth­er mass shoot­ings that hap­pened the same day as the assas­si­na­tion attempt of Trump.
  • The Amer­i­cans must defeat the media. We are only one elec­tion cycle away from los­ing our coun­try.
  • Democ­rats play a long game. In the last cen­sus in 2020 Trump went to court to get a cit­i­zens ques­tion on the cen­sus. The court said no because the found­ing fathers want­ed every­one to be count­ed. Trump wants to be pres­i­dent again and he wants to deport them. It upsets them because in just 3 years a cen­sus hap­pens again and those 50 mil­lion get count­ed and they arent all in NY, CA, IL. They will alter your dis­tricts. That is why they have to win this at all costs. They will shift your dis­tricts. After the last cen­sus they had to dilute the dis­tricts.
  • Win­ners and Losers

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