Home / All Star Political Panel / All Star Political Panel — August 2, 2024

All Star Political Panel — August 2, 2024

Seg 1

  • Every­one left the RNC con­ven­tion on a nat­ur­al high. But the deep state had to stop it and just like that the polls have tight­ened up. The media report­ing the repub­li­cans are behind closed doors say­ing JD Vance was not the right pick. And Don­ald Trump said he is not going to be nice. And Trump said that Kamala is not black. Are you accept­ing the deep state lies? Repub­li­cans have some bad peo­ple in the par­ty.
  • Kel­ly Ann Con­way is a bad per­son. Beware of paid MAGA. MAGA is some­thing that Ronald Rea­gan cam­paigned on.
  • Tra­di­tion­al Fam­i­ly is holy water for the Deep State.
  • Remem­ber the Hyde amend­ment. Tax­pay­er mon­ey can not pay for abor­tion.
  • DEI can­di­dates democ­rats use to check off the box­es. Every attack you see is in ref­er­ence to what the truth is. They are doing every­thing they can to stop san­i­ty in Amer­i­ca.
  • Kamala wants gen­der reas­sign­ment surgery in the mil­i­tary. She wants if you are in prison and they want gen­der reas­sign­ment surgery. All paid by the tax­pay­er. 1/10th of 1% of the nation is what they want you to be afraid of but remem­ber the tra­di­tion­al fam­i­ly is holy water. They want your mon­ey and your kids. School tax is the largest por­tion of your prop­er­ty tax. Kamala Har­ris wants coun­selors in your schools to take your kids. 18:32 They want your kids con­fused.
  • Kamala Har­ris wants to tran­si­tion your kids and not tell you about it. 21:20
  • Every­thing that Don­ald Trump says, the black pop­u­la­tion that live in those inner cities know that Trump is right. 23:10 They have seen what the demo­c­rat par­ty has done to them direct­ly.
  • The video report­ing the ille­gals that are reg­is­tered to vote got the atten­tion of Brad Raf­fensperg­er. He sent out a let­ter say­ing that ille­gals will not be allowed to vote in our elec­tion. Where are they at? Colton Moore got kicked out of the repub­li­can cau­cus because he told the truth. Colton went to the Atlanta air­port and he filmed their oper­a­tion.
  • When you trav­el abroad, you are detained and jailed. There may be some­thing that the US State Depart­ment may not be able to make a deal. We got some jour­nal­ists back. And we trad­ed off a guy from Ger­many that is a hit­man. On one hand we are doing all we can to stop Putin but when the call comes in we give Putin back the guy that Putin calls to take out his oppo­nents.

Seg 2

  • Trump did­nt get the deep state mes­sage at the assas­si­na­tion attempt. 9:20 We got a task force to look into the assas­si­na­tion. No one has been fired. Trump is doing indoor ral­lies.
  • Joe is work­ing on his lega­cy. The media is writ­ing the report­ing like a dra­ma. And Kamala has had a role. Now Kamala has shown her for­eign pol­i­cy chops and Joe is work­ing on his lega­cy.

Seg 3

  • What Biden Har­ris has done to Title 9. There are 10 states that are not going along with it. The new changes went into effect yes­ter­day. Title 9 was the pil­lar in pro­tect­ing women in sports. The new Biden Title 9 pro­vides bio­log­i­cal­ly men can play in wom­ens sports. Men have access to wom­ens des­ig­nat­ed areas and wom­ens schol­ar­ships.

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