Home / Georgia / Democrats Sending A Message To Georgians We Stole The Last One

Democrats Sending A Message To Georgians We Stole The Last One

  • They have turned Kamala into the pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States. Fox is on it.
  • The Olympics: Mens triathlon was post­poned due to poor water qual­i­ty. Sewage is in the water.
  • Har­ris is com­ing to Atlanta. Democ­rats are com­pet­ing for GA with a vast cam­paign appa­ra­tus boast­ing more than 170 staffers scat­tered through­out 24 offices. Largest in-state oper­a­tion of any demo­c­rat pres­i­den­tial cam­paign cycle ever. They are send­ing a mes­sage to Geor­gians we stole the last one. The repub­li­cans are not show­ing you the evi­dence and the top repub­li­cans in your state are on our side. 914
  • Remem­ber Roy Barnes, the last demo­c­rat to hold gov­er­nor is also Fani Willis attor­ney, also pic­tured at a fundrais­er with Scott McAfee, the judge over­see­ing Fani Willis. In that pic­ture was Bri­an Kemp. And is work­ing on a vot­er con­fi­dence group with Nathan Deal. Now Roy Barnes is down­town with Kamala Har­ris. Cant make this up. It is all planned out. GA should be com­plete­ly out of play. Accord­ing to the par­ty, repub­li­cans hold the con­sti­tu­tion­al offices, a repub­li­can house, a repub­li­can sen­ate; yet we stood by a RICO charge that went into place for 19 peo­ple and they drained our cash. They did every­thing they could to have the GA repub­li­can par­ty go bank­rupt. Bri­an Kemp allowed the par­ty to go into that posi­tion. 919
  • Bri­an Kemp has $100M in his lead­er­ship PAC. Jon Burns has a lead­er­ship PAC. The sen­ate has a lead­er­ship PAC. Burt Jones has a lead­er­ship PAC. Dont know if any of them have writ­ten a check to the GA GOP. Kemp has known all along what was going on with the GOP not hav­ing the mon­ey to do what needs to be done over the past 4 years. The most Kemp will do will say that he will sup­port the nom­i­nee to take back the White House. What if Kemp could steal the nar­ra­tive today? 922
  • Appar­ent­ly Joe Biden got out of the race because democ­ra­cy is more impor­tant than his own ambi­tions, this is the nar­ra­tive. If this coun­try and the sham­bles that it is in and would be worth it for Bri­an Kemp to steal the news­cy­cle today and donate mon­ey to the GOP. 924
  • Democ­rats are cam­paign­ing across the coun­try for Har­ris. Kemp could cam­paign for Trump across the south­east. GA is about a dou­ble dig­it state. We have not slid back­wards. Democ­rats are excit­ed about hav­ing a can­di­date that is not Joe Biden, and to have a can­di­date that can cam­paign. Democ­rats are going to spend mon­ey in GA, know­ing that they are 10 points behind but they can steal those 10 points. If every­thing was on the up and up, the democ­rats would not put mon­ey in GA.
  • We are on our own in GA. The GA GOP is irrel­e­vant. They have had to bor­row and beg to bring mon­ey into the state. We are going to pull this out in GA because we know where we stand.

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