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Things Were Going Way Too Well For Republicans

  • The State Board of elec­tions is hav­ing a zoom call. You will want to lis­ten to this meet­ing. The claim is that the pre­vi­ous meet­ing was ille­gal.
  • MSNBC is for the sick­os. They are not there for mod­er­ate democ­rats or the inde­pen­dents. They are there to cater to their sick nar­ra­tive. They sup­port the agen­da of the left as hard as they can. CNN tried to take care of the far left and like to pre­tend they have some inde­pen­dents and mod­er­ate democ­rats. FOX is for the inde­pen­dents and the nev­erTrumper or the mod­er­ate repub­li­can but FOX still car­ries the media nar­ra­tives. They are par­tic­i­pat­ing in the take down of JD Vance. FOX news has been tasked to lure JD Vance in to explain his stance on the crazy cat lady state­ment. And now MSNBC is play­ing the clips.
  • As soon as the demo­c­rat picks Kamala, she does­nt laugh. They have com­plete­ly changed Kamala. And every­thing is ready and set out of the gate. They already know who Oba­ma picked for VP.
  • FOX news did not want JD Vance and did not want Don­ald Trump.
  • All the media has turned the Kamala Har­ris spig­ot on, FOX MSNBC CNN ABC.
  • Kamala is pres­i­dent of the US. The excite­ment of Kamala was the news at 4am this morn­ing. Not the issues in Amer­i­ca or the civ­il war in Venezuela, or Chi­na threat­en­ing Tai­wan.
  • Seems like yes­ter­day we were con­cerned about Joe being able to do the job? Now he wants to change our con­sti­tu­tion­al gov­ern­ment and change the pow­er struc­ture. Does he have the abil­i­ty to do that? 950
  • Things were going way too well for Repub­li­cans. Google has severe­ly throt­tled users’ abil­i­ty to search for Don­ald Trump. Sup­press­ing infor­ma­tion about the assas­si­na­tion attack. The left is try­ing to mem­o­ry-hold Trump assas­si­na­tion attempt. 958
  • Noth­ing about the anti-chrisi­tan olympic open­ing. They hate us, they laugh at us. They knew what they were doing when they were doing it. It is ok to attack chris­tians and white peo­ple. The last straw is that they are try­ing to take over your chil­dren. Cal­i­for­ni­a’s new law lets schools keep secrets from par­ents. 1000
  • Biden is throw­ing a fris­bee on the SCOTUS reform. 1008
  • When will CNN bring up the NY Post Ter­ror Watch? The 3 Pales­tin­ian ter­ror sus­pects were caught after cross­ing the bor­der ille­gal­ly. How does she plan to fund the ille­gals in this coun­try? And if there is a ter­ror­ist attack on Kamalas watch, while Kamala was in charge of the bor­der, will Kamala be held respon­si­ble. 1009
  • Blinken and Austin hold high lev­el talks in the Philip­pines. Chi­na claims the south Chi­na sea. The chi­na man made islands in the shal­low waters putting air­craft car­ri­ers and men ready to fight.
  • Maduro in Venezuela stole the elec­tion. Protests all over the coun­try. Maduro can not be found. They are not cov­er­ing in detail on the net­works because they dont want you to hear that the elec­tion was stolen. 1013
  • Remem­ber CNN did a great job on the debate. And the report­ing on the dis­as­ter for the democ­rats because of Joes per­for­mance.

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