Home / Georgia / Kemp Sent The Dog Whistle To The Elite Republican Voters In Metro Atlanta

Kemp Sent The Dog Whistle To The Elite Republican Voters In Metro Atlanta

  • The lead­er­ship PAC info will come soon. The lead­er­ship PAC is a con­trol for Kemp, house and sen­ate so you cant run against them. If you want to run for office, in GA you cant.
  • Mar­ty Kemp is in Korea with Bri­an Kemp at the DMZ. She was at Davos. Bri­an and Mar­ty in Davos. Mar­ty Kemp is in on it. Mar­ty Kemp does not like Don­ald Trump. Did Kemp meet with Alex Soros in Davos? Black­rock is there? Kemp has gone to Davos twice.
  • Alex Soros its time to unite around Kamala Har­ris
  • Bri­an Kemp, Roy Barnes (Fmr Demo­c­rat Gov), McAfee was the IG that Bob Covert was work­ing with in the stolen 2020 elec­tion, Kemp appoint­ed McAfee to the supe­ri­or court judge over the Fani Willis case. Now Roy Barnes is Fani Willis’ attor­ney. Fani sent a let­ter in Feb 2021 that she was open­ing a case against Trump.
  • Now Barnes and Nathan Deal lead a bipar­ti­san ini­tia­tive to fight elec­tion fraud lines in GA.
  • Kemps returns to Davos while refus­ing to open a crim­i­nal probe into Fani willis. But remem­ber the press­er Kemp had when he said that he could­nt find any­thing wrong with what Fani had done.
  • Postal ser­vice woes are years in the mak­ing GA law­mak­ers seek fix. If you cant have drop box­es out­side and you change the law to have the drop box­es inside. And Mark Elias has the law­suits ready for the bal­lots that show up days lat­er that are post­marked before the elec­tion.
  • The bad peo­ple
  • John Fred­er­icks has par­tic­i­pat­ed in what you have seen in GA today.
  • Josh McK­oon, the chair of GA GOP, made sure that BKP was gone.
  • Deb­bie Doo­ley is sold out to the Deep State.
  • John Garst, domin­ion lob­by­ist, with Josh McK­oon on the boat in Lake Michi­gan.
  • Jason Thomp­son the RNC GA Com­mit­tee­man and the RNC Lawyer Asso­ci­a­tion Chair. His wife and daugh­ter received large amounts of mon­ey from Brad Raf­fensperg­er.
  • Lets pray WW3 does­nt start today. US to send more war­ships and fight­er jets to the mid­dle east.
  • Stocks are falling.
  • Every­thing Trump did Sat­ur­day was going to hap­pen one way or anoth­er. Kemp sent the dog whis­tle to the elite repub­li­can vot­ers in metro to not sup­port

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