Home / Georgia / Brian Kemp Is Not Going To Let You Win This Election

Brian Kemp Is Not Going To Let You Win This Election

  • Bri­an Kemp is not going to let you win this elec­tion. If they install Kamala Har­ris, Trump is not run­ning. You have the Kemps, the Trump Slay­ers, try­ing to end Trump. When Biden went through the motions of win­ning, it was all with the help from Kemp.
  • No appre­ci­a­tion from the Kemps for Trump.
  • Bri­an Kemp has recent­ly beefed up the staff and is trav­el­ing out of the state. It is not the moves of a man head­ing to retire­ment. If Kemp thought that Trump was need­ed for his future plans he would have been there Sat­ur­day. Kemps have laid plans for the future and they have the guts and courage to say screw you to Trump.
  • Keep this in mind Kemp did not go to the GA GOP con­ven­tion 2 years in a row. BTW, Josh McK­oon works for Kemp. McK­oon has said that he will not do any­thing to hurt his rela­tion­ship with Kemp. June 2023 Trump goes to the con­ven­tion. But Kemps have the nerve to go to Mil­wau­kee. He will only say we have to take back the White House, he nev­er says Trump what if Trump would have got­ten shot and he would­nt have been the nom­i­nee.
  • Mar­ty say­ing that Trump has not earned her vote.
  • Sat­ur­day was the day time and place for Trump to call out the BS in GA
  • Kemp did­nt vote for Trump in the GOP pri­ma­ry.
  • They both reveal that they are Nik­ki Haley sup­port­ers.
  • Sad­ly in the north­ern sub­urbs of Atlanta they are more Bri­an Kemp sup­port­ers. If you are think­ing that what Trump said turned off vot­ers in Atlanta, Trump knows that it was going to hap­pen any­way. Kemp sent the sig­nal to the metro elite repub­li­cans for not going to the ral­ly Sat­ur­day. Trump fired up his base.
  • GAGOP Rur­al Vot­er Task­force had a strat­e­gy meet­ing at Ruth Chris Steak­house. Huh? Den­nis Futch is the chair of the task­force.
  • Fox News cut the Trump Ral­ly once the Kemp attacks start­ed.
  • Greg Bluestein stir­ring up the pot. Noth­ing about Kemp not going to the event.
  • Trump did not come and kiss Kem­p’s ring.
  • No one is call­ing Kemp out for not show­ing up. Have these peo­ple lost their mem­o­ry of what hap­pened in 2018?
  • GA is bil­lions of dol­lars in debt.
  • Bri­an Kemp par­tic­i­pat­ed with Fani Willis, with Roy Barnes, with Chris Carr, with Brad Raf­fen­speger to deplete the GA GOP cof­fers to stop Trump and decrease the ground game.
  • Kemp to spend $1.5M to boost Repub­li­cans in swing leg­isla­tive dis­tricts. Pic­tured: Jon Burns, Kemp and Lt Gov Jones. Kemp put out ahead of the ral­ly that he was going to spend mon­ey in swing dis­tricts, that is why they all came out to kiss the ring of King Kemp.

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