Home / Georgia / Everything Trump Said Saturday Is Correct About Kemp

Everything Trump Said Saturday Is Correct About Kemp

  • #GATruthTeller
  • When Bri­an Kemp cries, keep my fam­i­ly out of it. Mar­ty Kemp is one of the gov­er­nors of GA.
  • Stock mar­ket crash in Japan, stocks going down here, we are send­ing war ships into the mid­dle east, plus south korea is mov­ing mil­i­tary arse­nal to the bor­der. Protest­ing in the UK.
  • Every­thing Trump said Sat­ur­day is cor­rect about Kemp.
  • Kemp is up against Stacey Abrams in 2018. Kemp is ok stand­ing on the stage in 2018. This should have been the scene Sat­ur­day. Trump gets Kemp across the fin­ish line. Now they have to work togeth­er.
  • Why on Dec 5, 2020 Trump shout­ed to Doug Collins for GA Gov? Feb ‘10, 2021 Fani Willis deliv­ers a let­ter to Kemp say­ing she was going to bring charges against Trump. Kemp could have stopped Fani and AG Chris Carr could have stopped it.
  • Kemp does not help or need the GA GOP. The GA state house and sen­ate have a fund­ing method. As soon as Trump got elect­ed and knew that 2020 was com­ing. They want­ed to be able to self fund with­out the GOP. Repub­li­cans did it know­ing they would dis­re­gard every­thing Trump would say.
  • Kemp would nev­er be gov­er­nor with­out Trump.
  • Who was miss­ing Sat­ur­day? Kel­ly Loef­fler was miss­ing Sat­ur­day, Greater GA.
  • For­mer sen­a­tor John­ny Isak­son was very sick and was going to retire. The attor­ney gen­er­als wife Joan Carr is John­ny’s chief of staff. Remem­ber AG Carr was appoint­ed. We appoint here in GA in those posi­tions that need the con­trol. We have pic­tures of the kemps and Kel­ly girl, hus­band is the own­er of the NY stock exchange. They did not care what Trump thought. Kemp lies to the peo­ple of GA, he comes out and says if you feel you have what it takes to be the Sen­a­tor of GA, send in your resume into the por­tal. The under­stand­ing is that 500 peo­ple sub­mit­ted resumes.
  • Doug Collins is the 9th dis­trict con­gress­man. He went to Trump to say he want­ed to be the Sen­a­tor. Trump urges GA gov to make Col­ins his US Sen­ate appointee. Collins fought day and night for Trump in DC on the Russ­ian col­lu­sion delu­sion. Kemp throws a major I dont give a shi* to Trump.
  • At noon on Mon­day the resume por­tal was closed. Kel­ly slides her resume in at 11am. It seems that Kellys resume was amaz­ing and he had to go with Kel­ly.
  • Did Bri­an Kemp and Kel­ly Loef­fler have a deal for the Sen­ate seat? Kemp picks Loef­fler for US Sen­ate. On a Sun­day, Kemp and Kel­ly get on Kellys pri­vate jet and go into DC and Kemp says to Trump. They go up before the announce­ment to intro­duce Kel­ly Loef­fler to Trump. Trump want­ed Doug Collins. Kemp was going to give it to Kel­ly because maybe there was a back door deal with Kel­ly.
  • Trump has noth­ing to do with the 2020 loss in GA, los­ing the 2 sen­ate seats, Trump did not start this feud.
  • Mar­ty Kemp tweet­ing Trump has not earned her vote.
  • Peo­ple you think are MAGA in GA did not want BKP to mess up the plans for 2026.

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