Home / Georgia / What Is Really Upsetting Trump Is The Amount Of Money They Are Having To Pour Into GA

What Is Really Upsetting Trump Is The Amount Of Money They Are Having To Pour Into GA

  • Bri­an and Mar­ty Kemp are two of the most ungrate­ful peo­ple. What is all the uproar? We told you it is about 2026 and Kemp is the great Trump Slay­er. Don­ald Trump is not part of the polit­i­cal machine in GA. What is real­ly upset­ting Trump is the amount of mon­ey they are hav­ing to pour into GA. It is because the GAGOP bank account is deplet­ed because of Fani Willis, no thanks to Bri­an Kemp.
  • As of today, Bri­an Kemp has not giv­en in sev­er­al years $1 to the GA GOP, not since 2020.
  • The media will tell you that Kemp and Raf­fensperg­er are pop­u­lar in GA. They want us to lose in 2024. It is not to the Kemp teams ben­e­fit for Trump to win in 2024. Not one sin­gle net­work telling why Trump said what he said at the ral­ly. Trump comes to GA in Atlanta walk­ing dis­tance from the gov­er­nors house and Kemp is nowhere to be seen. Trump just had a moment to cut his ties.
  • Son­ny Per­due is the first repub­li­can elect­ed gov­er­nor in GA. We went from Roy Barnes to Pur­due. In ear­ly 2010, Kemp was appoint­ed Sec­re­tary of State and Kemp won the posi­tion in late 2010. Kemp is the sec­re­tary of state when GA imple­ments elec­tron­ic vot­ing. Son­ny Per­due and David Per­due are cousins. In 2018, Kemp is run­ning in a very tight pri­ma­ry against Casey Cagle, the Lt gov­er­nor. It goes to runoff. It is very unusu­al to get an endorse­ment in the runoff. Son­ny Per­due and David Per­due go to Trump to get the endorse­ment for Kemp. Trump has sent an apol­o­gy let­ter to Casey Cagle. Trump does not know Kemp, it is just on the word of the Pur­dues. In 2018, Trump came to GA twice to drag Kemp across the fin­ish line. Giv­ing the endorse­ment say­ing Bri­an is tough on crime, strong on the bor­der and ille­gal immi­gra­tion and loves the mil­i­tary and pro­tects the sec­ond amend­ment. Trump worked for Kemp back then, when Casey Cagle was right on the edge of win­ning that pri­ma­ry.
  • There is a dis­ease in GA. Tell Don­ald Trump Shel­ley Wyn­ters is fake maga.
  • Remem­ber the 2020 elec­tion was stolen, Fani Willis lead back to the gov­er­nors office.
  • Trump was 100% cor­rect Sat­ur­day.
  • We know that ille­gals are attempt­ing and will attempt to vote in GA. We know there are ille­gals in the state.
  • Kemp is gear­ing up for the 2018 elec­tion stand­ing on secur­ing the bor­der Lak­en Riley is dead. How many crim­i­nal aliens have you round­ed up Kemp? Sen­a­tor Colton Moore went to the air­port to show the oper­a­tion of ille­gals. Kemp and Raf­fensperg­er have ignored every­thing. 912
  • Every­thing Trump said Sat­ur­day was on tar­get about these peo­ple in GA
  • 2018 Kmep is ok with MAGA.

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