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GA State Election Board Class, Part 1

  • Aug 1 AG Chris Carr claims that he will inves­ti­gate spe­cif­ic claims of vot­er fraud.
  • We have nev­er inves­ti­gat­ed the Ful­ton coun­ty 2020 elec­tion. It has been ordered by the GA elec­tion board to ask Chris Carr to inves­ti­gate.
  • Ful­ton Coun­ty Part 1
  • Break­down of the State Elec­tion Board.
  • Rule: write it, present it, accept, present to the pub­lic, pub­lic com­ment, then vot­ed to be the rule.
  • Paper Bal­lots: beware of peo­ple that are spread­ing incor­rect infor­ma­tion. Dr. John­ston did not cave on paper bal­lots.
  • We know in 2020 there was a mon­i­tor team in Ful­ton coun­ty for the elec­tion. Now we have the miss­ing bal­lots, miss­ing tab­u­la­tor tapes. We have evi­dence of what hap­pened. In May Ed Lind­sey was replaced by Janelle King. Ed Lind­sey want­ed to close the Joe Rossi case and tell Ful­ton Coun­ty they have to have a mon­i­tor for the 2024 elec­tion. This is where John the chair­man says the case is closed. In the next meet­ing Dr. John­ston said no. The Ful­ton Coun­ty 2020 mon­i­tor was Carter Jones from 7 Hill Strat­e­gy.
  • Ryan Ger­many was the led coun­sel for the Sec­re­tary of State’s office in 2020. Ryan Ger­many is no longer with the SOS office, he puts togeth­er an elec­tion mon­i­tor­ing com­pa­ny. He put a pro­pos­al togeth­er to be the mon­i­tor­ing team for Ful­ton Coun­ty for 2024.
  • There is anoth­er pro­pos­al out there to counter Ryan Ger­many. Dr. John­ston is ques­tion­ing Ryan Ger­many. The mon­i­tor Carter Jones over Ful­ton Co 2020 is now on the team. Dr. John­ston read all the things that Carter Jones report­ed, a list of the prob­lems with the Ful­ton Coun­ty elec­tions that need­ed to be cor­rect­ed. Yet he missed the chain of cus­tody logs, the dupli­cate bal­lots, etc. He did­nt catch it the first time, how will he catch it the next time? Dr. John­ston lays out the evi­dence to Ryan Ger­many the case Joe Rossi has uncov­ered and asks how to get ahead of the issues to not see it again Ryan Ger­many denies the claims and it is not to stop the fraud it is just to mon­i­tor and report.
  • Gov­er­nor Kemps appointee, the chair, asked how many elec­tion deniers are on the mon­i­tor team.
  • Jenelle King and Dr. John­ston kicks it into high gear and they are going for the truth. Ryan Ger­many said there were no issues and that the results were cor­rect and Joe Biden one. Ryan Ger­many has been coun­sel for the SOS since 2014, hired by Bri­an Kemp. John the chair­man wants to tell you he is non-bias. But he wants to get Ryan Ger­many to say that his team is a bi-par­ti­san team, the only way you can be on the team is if you are in agree­ment that the 2020 elec­tion was accu­rate. Ful­ton Coun­ty, Bri­an Kemp, and Brad Raf­fensperg­er want to have Ryan Ger­many as the mon­i­tor.
  • There is a prob­lem with Ryan Ger­many when the SOS team put out numer­ous videos and post­ings that there were no errors in the 2020 elec­tion yet Ryan Ger­many is admit­ting there are errors in every elec­tion. Jenelle King called his integri­ty.
  • Dr. John­ston calls out the back­room deal. This deal was done. Sav­ing 2024 from Brad Raf­fensperg­er, Ryan Ger­many, and Ful­ton Coun­ty was stopped by Dr. John­ston and Jenelle King. Ryan Ger­many was to walk away with the mon­i­tor­ing con­tract. All they had to do was sign off on it.

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