Home / Georgia / Trump Did Not Force GA Republicans Into A Balancing Act

Trump Did Not Force GA Republicans Into A Balancing Act

  • Kamala Har­ris, our War­rior of Joy.
  • Tim Walz mil­i­tary record and the media coverup.
  • Sep­tem­ber 18, noth­ing will stop Trump going into the court­room and being sen­tenced. The nar­ra­tive will change again. Trump will be sen­tenced as a con­vict­ed felon and Kamala being the pros­e­cu­tor. On Sep­tem­ber 18, the judge had sev­er­al choic­es: man­date the sen­tence,
  • They will get the con­ven­tion bump and low and behold Trump will get the sen­tenc­ing and then low and behold ear­ly vot­ing starts.
  • You are on the edge of los­ing this coun­try. They have this timed right out until the vot­ing.
  • Hell no attacks from Trump did not force GA repub­li­cans into a bal­anc­ing act. This is all staged. Bri­an Kemp is in on it. It is the Uni-Par­ty, the Estab­lish­ment, WEF, Davos.
  • Walz is sup­posed to help her with the ISlam­ic vote in MN, MI, WI and Kemp is to do the high sign and blow off Trump to get GA back in play. Shapiro is in PA work­ing the state.
  • The social­ist com­mu­nist Gov­er­nor of MI, Whit­mer. She would­n’t let you have seeds in COVID and she wants your guns. But she went on stage to back the Joy­ful War­rior. This is a cam­paign and you stand up there with your nom­i­nee, and you cam­paign for your nom­i­nee, you drop every­thing.
  • Trump was angry because he got snubbed by the gov­er­nor, who was sup­posed to sup­port the cam­paign. Kemp should have met him at the plane and tak­en the offer to go on stage at the ral­ly.

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