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America Job #1 Is To Elect Donald Trump

  • Amer­i­ca job #1 is to elect Don­ald Trump as pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States. 
  • There are some amaz­ing peo­ple doing the job of elec­tion integri­ty. There are some peo­ple that are jump­ing on the band­wag­on. You need to know who you can trust. Deb­bie Doo­ley rides the band­wag­on that will get her the atten­tion. 
  • John Fred­er­icks and BKP make amends. 
  • There are inter­nals in metro Atlanta that some state races are tight­en­ing. Some instances in metro where some incon­sis­ten­cies in elec­tions can hap­pen. The demo­c­rat machine in Atlanta is strong and seri­ous. The 9th and 14th dis­trict are the dis­tricts that need to turn out the vote in large num­bers in Novem­ber. 
  • Once we have a nom­i­nee, we go all in. The snub that Kemp gave Don­ald Trump in Atlanta by not show­ing up at the air­port or going on the stage at a ral­ly. 

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