Home / National / Donald Trump Is Going To Put Money In Your Pocket

Donald Trump Is Going To Put Money In Your Pocket

  • You have to get Don­ald Trump elect­ed, not just for the coun­try, for your kids, but Don­ald Trump is going to put mon­ey in your pock­et. 
  • Amer­i­ca JOB #1 is to get Don­ald Trump elect­ed. Gave the oppor­tu­ni­ty to bring the tem­per­a­ture down on Bri­an Kemp. When the place went wild at the ral­ly was when Don­ald Trump went after Kemp. But if Kemp was invit­ed by Trump to join him on the stage, the media would have had to take the pic­tures, but Kemp didn’t want that. Had Kemp done that Kamala would have been through nation­wide. 
  • It is all a spin cycle and it would have got­ten Kamala out. But Kemp didn’t and Trump said what he said. Trump’s team tried to make the amends work but Kemp didn’t accept. 
  • Remem­ber you are dan­ger­ous. Gabe Ster­ling is tour­ing the state to give direc­tion on how to han­dle elec­tions. It is to stop you. 
  • Mon­key­pox, WHO announces world pan­dem­ic
  • Trump can’t stay on top­ic accord­ing to lega­cy media. 
  • RFK is try­ing to work a deal with Kamala for a cab­i­net posi­tion. 
  • Trump is talk­ing about Kamala’s laugh because he is try­ing to get the media to talk about him. Trump is set­ting the media up. He is set­ting up for hte inter­view and when Kamala laughs, which is her out. 
  • Trump vows to remove tax on social secu­ri­ty. 
  • If Kamala is Pres­i­dent the spend­ing will be through the roof because she has to ful­ly fund the blue states and unions. The states are strug­gling with their bureau­cra­cy. 
  • If Trump doesn’t deport all these peo­ple. The senior cit­i­zens’ ben­e­fits will be eat­en by the tax­es. And they will con­tin­ue to raise the age of eli­gi­bil­i­ty. Now once Trump deports all these peo­ple and he ends tax­es on your social secu­ri­ty. Your ener­gy bills go down. The ener­gy bills real­ly hurt seniors. There are seniors in this heat that can’t afford AC bills, while they are report­ing cli­mate change. But what they don’t tell you is that the changes in cli­mate change will not change the ener­gy bills. The deep­est pock­ets in Amer­i­ca are the senior cit­i­zens. Are you going to revolt, senior cit­i­zens? You didn’t work your entire life for the gov­ern­ment to enjoy your mon­ey. Kamala will go after your inher­i­tance. The death tax will go through the roof. 
  • Gig work­ers are easy pick­ings. You don’t have a team of lawyers. They know that the rea­son they have the 87K IRS work­ers in place to suck the wealth out of the mid­dle class is not these cor­po­ra­tions. They want to pre­tend they are want­i­ng to help the mid­dle class. 
  • The tax plan expires in 2025, the next pres­i­dent will reset the tax plan. 
  • On day one he will open the key­stone pipeline. He will shut down iran. He will expand explo­ration. He will drop ener­gy prices imme­di­ate­ly. He will reverse with a stroke of a pen the require­ments for EVs. In 60 days, the fuel for your car and the ener­gy for your house will see relief. The cost of get­ting prod­ucts from A to B will be reduced. The cost of pro­duc­tion will be reduced. 
  • Imme­di­ate­ly there will be $300 back into the pock­ets of fam­i­lies. It is sim­ple, it is too sim­ple that is why they are say­ing that Trump can’t focus. Then they will bring out Nik­ki Haley to say Trump won’t focus. 
  • Jon Burns is run­ning the coun­try, the CIA. Biden is not. 
  • Sept 18 is the sen­tenc­ing on the Trump hush mon­ey case. Going around the social media air­waves “He will be sen­tenced”. If they do not end the case and reverse the con­vic­tion, he may go to jail. 
  • They can’t get into the elec­tion… but hack­ers may have stolen every American’s social secu­ri­ty num­ber.  The group claimed that they were sell­ing the 4TB on the dark web for $3.5 mil­lion. The theft of sen­si­tive per­son­al records of 2.9 bil­lion peo­ple front Nation­al pub­lic data. 
  • Crowd­Strike and CISA, hack­ing the DNC  but the elec­tions are secure. 

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