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Kamala Reveals How Dumb She Really Is

  • Check­ing the mail. Data has been com­pro­mised. Every­thing is pos­si­ble, except it is the most secure elec­tion.
  • Don­ald Trump needs to sit down with World lead­ers. Kamala can’t do it. We must have some­one who has courage. 
  • Kamala was asked a cou­ple of ques­tions, and it revealed how dumb she real­ly is. The ques­tion was how to pay for the $25K down for the hous­ing plan. This will be a mas­sive spend­ing pack­age. They will build 3 mil­lion homes.  Now in over 3.5 years they built the first charg­ing sta­tion in Amer­i­ca, they are up to 8 pos­si­bly. And Kamala is going to build 3M hous­ing. They will have ther­mostats that you can’t con­trol, the gov­ern­ment will con­trol it. Kamala has no idea what ROI means, nei­ther does coach. You will get a spe­cial FHA loan and you will have to have cer­tain reg­u­la­tions and inspec­tions on the home. 
  • Democ­rats have sur­ro­gates all over the place on every show? Why do repub­li­cans always end up with Lind­sey Gra­ham? 

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