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Republicans Stop Preaching To The Choir

  • There are do’s and don’ts right now. Arm your­self with the truth and facts. In the 30 sec­ond sound bites Joe Biden’s approval rat­ing will go up. They may have a peace treaty in the mid­dle east and Putin may do some­thing to stop Trump from get­ting elect­ed. 
  • Kamala will not talk to reporters. Don­ald Trump is being racist. 
  • You know Don­ald Trump and what it was like liv­ing under Trump as a pres­i­dent. But do you know Kamala Har­ris? Every­thing that Kamala has said can be dis­proven. Repub­li­cans need to talk about the real world. Remem­ber Trump and know that Kamala Har­ris has been there with Biden the whole time. She will not respond to ques­tions. They will draft the respons­es to the talk­ing heads that will answer for her that will be full of lies. 
  • Do not lis­ten to Nik­ki Haley, the “voice of rea­son”. Nik­ki Haley likes the gov­er­nors, Bri­an Kemp is using Nik­ki Haley. They have a game plan, they are evil. 
  • Trump is doing inter­views and is talk­ing to any­one. Kamala Har­ris will not talk to any­one. Well Nik­ki said we don’t need an inter­view. Karl Rove prob­a­bly feels the same way. Why is Nik­ki out there at this time? 
  • Keep in mind what is going into the mediter­ranean, if Joe can’t do it Kamala needs too. What does Joe plan to do? Take anoth­er vaca­tion? He is going to step away. Zelen­sky keeps call­ing and get­ting the switch board. Ukraine doesn’t know who to call. Ukraine has gone 7 miles into Rus­sia. 
  • The Olympics and Rus­sia are going into Ukraine. Now the Olympics is over and ukraine is going into rus­sia and we have the flotil­la in mediter­ranean
  • Bill Burns is CIA. They are build­ing up Joe’s lega­cy. They are let­ting you know that we spent all the mon­ey for the right rea­son. And Joe may be right, accord­ing to the lega­cy media. The econ­o­my, infla­tion is down, maybe we get anoth­er cut, Kamala is the agent of change. Then they use Nik­ki and Bri­an Kemp to say we are for the par­ty, we have to win. But then there is Don­ald Trump. 
  • At the repub­li­can par­ty that is where you rehearse the song. Then Sun­day you show up pre­pared to bring the mes­sage to the con­gre­ga­tion. The Repub­li­can par­ty quit singing to the choir. You are there to share it with your neigh­bor and co-work­ers. 

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