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We Have Donald Trump Who Does What He Says

  • There are some things about the Trump cam­paign that we do not like. Do we like every­one in the cam­paign? No. Do we like every­thing going on? NO. but there is one thing that we have nev­er wavered on.. Is that we have Don­ald J Trump as our can­di­date? We have the one per­son that will do what he says. 
  • It’s the media that wants to pre­tend that Kamala isn’t crazy. When it comes to Kamala’s laugh, cack­le. Not only did they tell her not to laugh any­more, they also said she would have to cut back on smok­ing. 
  • Not only do we have a can­di­date that will not talk to the media, but we have a can­di­date that is work­ing on style points. This is some­one that says she would like to be pres­i­dent of the unit­ed states of amer­i­ca, what if while she is pres­i­dent and some­thing very seri­ous hap­pens as she has to address the nation. They have her hid­den, it’s the play­book. Joe Biden, they put him in a base­ment. Kamala is sup­posed to be bril­liant and the pros­e­cu­tor and the one that Don­ald Trump fears in a debate. 
  • All the media can only report that Don­ald Trump can’t stay on mes­sage. Beware of the peo­ple that are try­ing to keep Don­ald Trump from being Trump. 
  • The cam­paigns study pow­er words. It is a mar­ket­ing cam­paign. There is test­ing on what stim­u­lates the brain. Remem­ber that the Kamala cam­paign is Hol­ly­wood pro­duced. Kamala is on a HOT STREAK in Vegas. 
  • JD Vance said some­thing very strong. The media acts like Kamala just got here. She is talk­ing about what she is going to do on day one of her admin­is­tra­tion. You have to remem­ber that day one of her admin­is­tra­tion start­ed with Joe Biden. You and I know that Joe couldn’t do the job, and Kamala has been in the White House the entire time and has known that Joe wasn’t up for the job. Kamala knows from day one that the com­mit­tee was run­ning the coun­try and that Joe Biden was not pres­i­dent. 
  • They are brag­ging today that infla­tion is down to where they want it to be. This is big news accord­ing to them. How do you feel? Remem­ber Don­ald Trump had infla­tion at 1.9%, you get a 3% raise, you have a great rate for car insur­ance, and you have a great inter­est rate. The real truth… Kamala was in the admin­is­tra­tion since day one. 
  • The demo­c­rat slo­gan is “Every­thing is Hunky Dory”… they are liv­ing in lala land. 
  • Kamala is the lady that cast­ed the decid­ing vote that launched us into hyper infla­tion. Your rate of pay is not keep­ing up with the rate, it has flipped all around. For them to tell you that the infla­tion rate is 3%, it is com­plete­ly on your back. They have beat you down, the gro­ceries, the insur­ance, the ener­gy prices all of it has killed your pock­et book. Do you think any­thing they tell you can make you feel bet­ter at the store? 

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