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We Need To Love Our Children More Than We Hate Each Other

  • 3 years after the with­draw­al, Afghans are still reel­ing from the impact of the dev­as­tat­ing Kab­ul air­port attack. Noth­ing at the DNC on the 13 Amer­i­cans killed. Kamala was in the room when the deci­sion was made for the with­draw­al. Noth­ing on the cor­rupt com­mie MSM this morn­ing on their deaths, August 26, 2021. Remem­ber that when they had the sui­cide bomber in their sights, the shoot­er doesn’t get the green light to remove the threat. There were thou­sands that we killed, not only our fel­low Amer­i­cans. And the very next day the Kamala Har­ris admin­is­tra­tion blew up a van with a child in it claim­ing it was ISIS K. Yet they are still hunt­ing the attack­ers who killed Amer­i­cans dur­ing the Afghan exit. We have to make an arrest to make peo­ple feel com­fort­able. For all the BS and ener­gy they gave us they didn’t rec­og­nize a Gold Star fam­i­ly. They have no prob­lem send­ing your kids off to be killed and they are mov­ing on like it nev­er hap­pened. 
  • Watch Tuck­er’s inter­view with Casey and Cal­ley Means. Remem­ber the food pyra­mid, vac­cines and new­borns, processed foods have altered our kids. This is a life chang­ing eye open­ing video.
  • We need to love our chil­dren more than we hate each oth­er. RFKJr. Why the push back from the demo­c­rat com­mu­nist par­ty when we want to show love for our chil­dren to stop the groom­ing and hav­ing our chil­dren eat prop­er­ly. The democ­rats want to con­trol the chil­dren to have ulti­mate con­trol over us. Don­ald Trump wants to end the depart­ment of edu­ca­tion. If we are able to take back our chil­dren we can save the coun­try. We can no longer wait for the young peo­ple to catch on in their 30s because they are pay­ing tax­es and rais­ing their fam­i­ly in the era of their lives. 
  • What we know about Kamala Har­ris’ $5T tax plan so far. They plan to take your mon­ey. We will have a CPA on the 9am seg­ment, very impor­tant for your wal­let. Trump’s tax plan expires in 2025. Kamala is not talk­ing about any pol­i­cy. She is going to take your mon­ey and your kids. 

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