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Kamala Can Only Look Forward And Not Go Back

  • Kamala can only look for­ward and not go back. She is the VP and is mak­ing the deci­sions in the admin­is­tra­tion. They have to wake Joe up on the beach and brief him. 
  • Just as RFK is announc­ing that he is jump­ing on the Trump chain, things are hap­pen­ing in Israel. 
  • If you are con­cerned about Biden on the beach and Kamala is on the trail with the danc­ing queen. They will send out Jake Sul­li­van to tell you the deep state is han­dling things. 
  • There is a debate hap­pen­ing on Sept 10. Every­thing is set up. The media is run­ning pos­i­tive eco­nom­ic data and they are going to reduce the inter­est rate. They are set­ting up the Kamala inter­view and then the debate on ABC. 
  • The polling data is not cor­rect. They are going to shift Kamala. They want you to believe that she is a mod­er­ate sup­port­ed by AOC, Omar, Sanders, War­ren. Kamala has only spo­ken one time, only sur­ro­gates have turned Kamala as a mod­er­ate.  
  • Why would Trump go on these net­works? 

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