Home / National / BKP Talks To Laurie L McClain About The Trump Tax Plan Expires In 2025

BKP Talks To Laurie L McClain About The Trump Tax Plan Expires In 2025

  • The deep state media will not talk about Kamala, they will only focus on how excit­ed they are that she is going to look for­ward and not go back. What they are plan­ning in the $5T tax plan, but won’t these plans affect Oprah, Oba­mas? 
  • The Trump tax plan expires in 2025. A new con­gress and pres­i­dent will sign a new tax plan. The media only wants to say the Trump tax plan only ben­e­fits the top. 
  • Under Trump tax plan: The tax rates were low­ered in 2018 from 39.6 to 37 at the high­est brack­et. The brack­ets were spread out. How much does the aver­age fam­i­ly need to make to be com­fort­able? Exam­ple Mar­ried fil­ing joint at $130K a year, tax­es would be $19,224 and if it falls back to 2011 lev­els increas­es to $23,997 if the Trump plan expires. It will be dev­as­tat­ing to the aver­age per­son. Trump’s plan dou­bled the stan­dard deduc­tion, 12.7K to 24K to pull down the tax lia­bil­i­ty for the aver­age Joe. Trump’s tax cut gen­er­at­ed more eco­nom­ic ben­e­fits than any oth­er plan in the last 40+ years. 
  • What is being pro­posed: cor­po­rate tax­es 21 to 28 will slow down the jobs, they only want to tell you about the top rate because they want to lead you to believe they are only going for the high­er tax brack­ets. Leave it up to the democ­rats to nick­el and dime you. If cor­po­ra­tions are taxed high­er, they want to tell you the cus­tomers will surfer but it will hurt the employ­ees the most because their hours will be cut and their rais­es will not come because the prices are only increased to a cer­tain point.  Cor­po­ra­tions will suf­fer, the cus­tomers will take a bite of it and the employ­ees will have a big­ger bite. Anoth­er way for the democ­rats to get a lit­tle more out of you. 
  • Unre­al­ized Gains: 25% invest­ment gains before they are sold. This can’t hap­pen, it would be such a com­pli­cat­ed night­mare. The rea­son our tax code is so com­pli­cat­ed is because they want to be fair. There is not a way for it to hap­pen. Bil­lion­aires will move mon­ey off­shore so fast to not allow them to lose mon­ey. They will not pay a dime of these tax­es. 
  • If Kamala gets elect­ed and they have the 87K IRS agents, they want to take from every­day Amer­i­cans and it’s not Jeff Bezos. The real wealth in this coun­try is 60–80 years old. They have retire­ment accounts, and the gov­ern­ment knows that is where to get the cash. Con­gress uses the tax code to mod­i­fy behav­ior.

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