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Don’t Watch, Don’t Count, Don’t Have Questions

  • Kamala Har­ris and the Danc­ing Liar are criss cross­ing the state. Will Greg or Patri­cia at the AJC get the Kamala inter­view. She may talk to them in Savan­nah. 
  • Every­thing is set up. Trump and Kemp. and then the State Elec­tion Board. 
  • They don’t want you to count. They don’t want you to watch. They don’t want you to have ques­tions. You can hate your repub­li­can par­ty after the elec­tion but we need poll work­ers and watch­ers. 
  • Kemp can take the ethics com­plaints and send them to an admin­is­tra­tive law judge, the same admin­is­tra­tive law judge that said Kennedy can’t be on the bal­lot. These are the judges that are appoint­ed by Kemp and they can review them to see if the eth­i­cal vio­la­tions can remove the mem­bers. 
  • GA democ­rats have sued the SEB. 
  • The elec­tion offi­cials have to cer­ti­fy. They should be able to exam­ine all elec­tion relat­ed doc­u­men­ta­tion cre­at­ed dur­ing the con­duct of elec­tions before they cer­ti­fy the results. Sign­ing a cer­ti­fi­ca­tion is sign­ing that all things are valid and that you have reviewed the doc­u­men­ta­tions. As an elec­tion board mem­ber you have the right to ver­i­fy that the process has been fol­lowed and you are good with sign­ing and cer­ti­fy­ing the elec­tion. Any­thing that some­one throws in on your desk real quick should send off alarm bells. 
  • When we loose again? The truth is we did not lose the first time. They know that every­thing that has been put in place and the last line of defense is you. They know that every­thing will be ok as long as you are not watch­ing. They know that the poll watch­ers were sent home, not again we will not let them go home. We have train­ing ses­sions that tell you what you are allowed to do. It is the right thing to do is be a poll work­er and poll watch­ers. 
  • Tuck­er Carl­son is a top advi­sor to Don­ald J Trump, not to the cam­paign.

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